I kinda take back what I said here. I did the nightfall with my lvl 27 character and it was difficult. I was constantly getting 1-hit from enemies.
Exactly breh I was getting punished.
I had level 30 dudes with me too and the shyt was hard breh.
I kinda take back what I said here. I did the nightfall with my lvl 27 character and it was difficult. I was constantly getting 1-hit from enemies.
Exactly breh I was getting punished.
I had level 30 dudes with me too and the shyt was hard breh.
Exactly breh I was getting punished.
I had level 30 dudes with me too and the shyt was hard breh.
Add me.Ran thru the Nightfall with me (LVL 29 Hunter) and one other dude, LVL 28 Warlock. shyt was hard as fukk. After finally beating it, he got the Monte Carlo and I got the Thunderlord
I don't even use Heavy's brehs....would have loved to have copped that Monte Carlo. Looks so clean
Honestly though, the weekly heroic for 9 strange coins took so much longer. That Arc Burn comes in handy.
'preciate the offer, but I already beat em both so...Add me.
I'll help y'all out.
Won't be on til 7pm Eastern, though.
What guns are y'all using to beat this Night Fall? And what tactic do you use to best it solo? I ask because I just don't see a way of doing this week's mission solo without some kind of exploit...
Maybe it's possible for a Titan
Yea.'preciate the offer, but I already beat em both so...
Might be running the Raid on Thurs or Fri night if you looking to do that on PSN?
Basically how I did it, but I roll with a hunter and invisibility is my savior.
There's another way, too.
There's another way, too.
I exploited the shyt out of it. Lol
I go further back where the entrance is. Make sure that area is clear though. Don't want you running into enemies you havent killed.
I just watched that video and breh was using Void Damage...
After seeing that I know I can beat this solo. I have the Plan C Exotic (ARC Damage) the Vision of Confluence (Solar) so I really thought the shyt shouldn't be an issue. I didn't know you could go back in that room where you are waiting for Ghost though, that's the hardest part for me.
True, though to be fair when you look at the numbers all around and the weapons being used and how well they're used it paints a clearer picture.
For the sake of conversation though, would you say that a kill death ratio is the primary indicator of skill?