At first I thought December was a pretty close time frame for a DLC expansion considering all the stuff I thought this game would be about. But now it seems like its too far off. If the rest of October and November are just gonna to be little Queen/Iron Banner Events its gonna be a long 2 months. But even then from what I saw from the expansion leaks its all just more of the same so I can't even really get excited for that.
I've stopped playing for a week now. And with Halo:MCC coming out and Borderlands:Pre Sequel coming out, 2 games that have a huge fan base that currently play Destiny that will eventual migrate to those games, I'm not sure if Destiny can afford to wait that long for the DLC to drop.
If I'm neglecting to play Destiny w/o even having options to play something else similar, once I get those options Destiny won't even be on my and possibly many others radar.
They've already lost me though so I guess im kinda biased toward the subject. I could have kept faith in this project if at least the foundation was well built but this game as no pillars to stand on.
As lacking as Titanfall's story was it was setting out to be something it wasn't. Yet the gameplay and the narrative was still really immersive also being able to see the story play out from both factions perspective added to that immersion. I challenge you all to play Titanfall's story mode again and tell me that it doesn't far exceeds what Destiny has provided us. The Cut scenes/Mission Intros far exceed anything in destiny.
If Destiny had a cutscene or level or anything with this much immersion and intensity then I may regain hope for the franchise
But until then im done.