Yeah, the rep thing is weak af
how so?...why should you get shyt if you lose in a best of the best setup?....they have the reg crucible for that...
Yeah, the rep thing is weak af
It's basically Crucible with a different name though. It's not what they advertised it to be. I've seen level 13s and like 20s in there getting kills. If the stats were like they said they would be, that shouldn't happen. Those dudes should be getting crushed to the point where they know they can't be in the Iron so?...why should you get shyt if you lose in a best of the best setup?....they have the reg crucible for that...
see, this is what i'm talking about....while i agree with some of the things he said, him complaining about the setup of iron banner cause people are leaving when they start get the fukk outta not gonna win every game...also, i dont like the idea of a 'warning system' when someone has a super...not knowing adds to the annoyance...
It's basically Crucible with a different name though. It's not what they advertised it to be. I've seen level 13s and like 20s in there getting kills. If the stats were like they said they would be, that shouldn't happen. Those dudes should be getting crushed to the point where they know they can't be in the Iron Banner.
A warning system would be fine by me. My guys were talking about this last night even. They also need to differentiate the grenades better. You have no idea who's nade is just lingering in an area in this game... which is broken. And since the grenades in most cases just sit there and chill for like 10 seconds, it would make sense to know if your teammate threw it or the enemy
you people crying about needing a warning system need to, take the l and shut the fukk up
how is it not like what they advertised?..the better your shyt, the better you do in for your level, that doesnt take into account skills, weapons, play style, circumstances in game, etc....just cause you higher doesnt mean you automatically win....cause i highly doubt those low levels are new players...they probably old players with new characters, so they know the ropes of the game....
a warning system takes away just going into battle....if they got a super, so be it; if you got a super, so be it; but we dont need to be told the other player has a super....also, in most cases, you can tell when a player has a super: they tend to rush at you recklessly not giving a fukk....another thing, supers arent takes a sec for the super to that time, you can shoot a muthafukka in the face and stop that super....also, once activated, you can tell the character is using a super...that's all the warning we need...cause seriously, if there was a warning system, what are players gonna do, run from players with supers?
as for nades, that can be annoying, but in the end it's easy to solve that: just go around the nade....not knowing whose nade it is adds to the battle...
...seriously, we dont need to be warned/have prompts for's gonna get to the point they might as well play the game for us with all the shyt people want in them....
After about 130 hours...I think I'm coming to an end with this game. Might pick up The Evil Within next week or something and ride it out until the other big titles drop.
After about 130 hours...I think I'm coming to an end with this game. Might pick up The Evil Within next week or something and ride it out until the other big titles drop.
how is it not like what they advertised?..the better your shyt, the better you do in for your level, that doesnt take into account skills, weapons, play style, circumstances in game, etc....just cause you higher doesnt mean you automatically win....cause i highly doubt those low levels are new players...they probably old players with new characters, so they know the ropes of the game....
i'm glad you posted this vid...i just saw this, it shows exactly how full of shyt these players are and all the complaining is just cause they egos are getting hurt cause they losing in the banner....also, the vid shows how there is a difference in the banner....lets talk about this vid:
1. the cat in the vid talks about how he's playing with a low level character killing shyt...yet, he didnt take into account how he wasnt killing shyt in head up, 1 on 1 contests...he was killing people from the side, hiding, while the people were in shootouts with others....when he went 1 on 1 without help, he lost.....that shows levels of equipment matters...
2. yea, he was killing with that low level gun, but it was taking him a lot longer than it does with higher level guns...again, that shows the level of equipment matter...
3. he mentions how he has another character that is level 30, which means he has experience and some skills at the game...but he doesnt take that into account when commenting on how he's doing in the banner....your skills matter more than anything in this game....if you can play, you'll be able to hold your own no matter the gear...if you cant, you i said in teh other post: just cause you got higher level shyt doesnt mean you automatically win...
You are invited to enter the Crucible for a limited time event that will test your power as a Guardian. The ratings on your gear will make all the difference! Unlike the other competitive playlists in Destiny, Iron Banner is not a level playing field.
Bring your deadliest weapons. Equip your sturdiest armor. The Iron Lords are seeking out the most powerful warriors who call the City their home. For those brave enough to fight (and to win), there will be new rewards to serve as a warning of their prowess in the arena.
well, honestly you already alluded to it in your post. we're in a generation of rage quitters and sore losers. if they leave early they lose nothing and gain a chance to try again with no consequences. but if they stay and lose and take the L, they get nothing but an L and maybe some useless rare bootsisnt that how it should be though?...the banner is for the best of the best, not for the bounties should be tougher, rep should only go to the winners, etc....if they dont feel they ready for it, go play the reg crucible and get they weight up....
also, if people quit cause they losing, that says more about them and this punkass gamer generation....they dont want challenges, they want the game to be easy, want rewards even if they dont win/finish shyt,, that's not how the game should work..that's not how life works, but for whatever reason society wants to teach people that shyt, and it shows in life, sometimes you lose and dont get shyt cause you lost, that's ok...
That's simply not the case though. Like buddy said, if the gear was like it really is in PvE a level 20 or a level 15 would not be able to kill a 27 or 28. Now people are dropping videos showing you that low levels are doing fine in the Iron Banner... most people who play it are saying, that it's not really different from The Crucible. It's a lil harder cause you're more likely to run into a full squad... but for the most part, the damage model and armor is the same. I've played it for hours, and I can't tell much of a difference outside of a few maxed out guns.
A warning system for Supers would mean people have to have more strategy on how to use them. It would be like a fighting game and meter. How broken would a fighting game be if your opponent didn't know you had an Ultra or a Super in your pocket?
And for the Warlock's Super and the Titan's Super, you not killing him when he kicks it off without dying in the process. Yeah you might kill him but the animation of him throwing the Nova Bomb or him doing the Hulk Smash is carrying out and anybody close to the radius is getting bodied... period.