When I heard "10 Year Plan" I knew. Lol
I was thinking it was gonna be a little more borderlands 2-esque story progression wise.
Borderlands 2 without the DLC is a full complete story. And the 10 DLC packs that followed after fleshed out the world and lasted almost 2 years. And then Borderlands:The Pre-Sequel comes out which is sort of like an Expansion with a new story arch.
That's what I had envisioned when they said "10 year plan". But apparently they are going the route of taking the original Borderlands 2 and spreading it out for 5 or 6 years through DLC.
At the end of the Destiny campaign I didn't feel like I had completed the campaign. I feel like I got a "Find out on the next episode of DragonBall Z!" And the next episode is DLC.
In Borderlands 2 DLC wasn't just a continuation of the story. In Destiny the "expansion" DLC seems like they are just allowing us access to the rest of the story almost as if it was "cut" out.
Which is similar to what 343 studios did with Halo 4 in the Spartan Ops missions(which was free). Those were released every week or 2 weeks or something. But continued the story after the events of Halo 4 and not the events of Halo 4 itself.