Official Deadpool Thread

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
I just got back from it, spoiler-free review/thoughts.

Let me cut right to the chase and say that when the movie is on point, it's seriously on fukking point, but at the same time pretty much every fear I had based on the trailers were true as well. Which literally signifies a strong divide in the movie itself. All the Deadpool scenes are gold, pure grade A gold, and are true to the character in every single way. On the other hand the origin part of the movie (told in fragments throughout the Deadpool in action parts) is so mishandled it hurts. They took every bit of edge or tragedy out of the character (he's a merc who only hurts 'bad guys', which comes off so goddamn lame the way it's presented) and they pretty much already make him a one-liner spouting jokey guy from the start, so there's no character arc either (unless you consider 'I'm scared of going back to the woman of my dreams who loves me with all my heart because I'm ugly now' a fukking character arc). The only saving grace is that even in those completely flat parts at least the comedy they choose as an alternative works, so it's not as unbearable as it could've been. And when I say that, I mean there are parts that, if not for the comedy, would be bordering on Wolverine Origins levels of unbearable.

Also, for the life of me I can't understand why they would remove ALL Weapon X/Wolverine references from his origin. You got the fukking rights, you actually use X-Men in the movie but you leave that out? In the comics he joined Weapon X because they were experimenting with Wolverine's healing factor so his cancer could be cured. Here they're just randomly trying to awaken the latent mutant genes every person has which has no guarantee he gains a power that cures his cancer, which pretty much kills every bit of logic of him joining, and it makes the fact that he actually gets a power that cures his cancer come off as total convenience. There's something similar going on with the Colossus/Negasonic Teenage Warhead scenes. Early on they establish very clearly that the X-Men are familiar with Deadpool and have tried to get him to come to Xavier's school and are still keeping track of him, but when the origin story catches up to the current events, there is very clearly no point whatsoever where this has happened, which leaves a pretty big consistency gap, or pretty much forces you to make up your own scenario where this could have happened.

So yeah, there's some major story issues and I know a lot of people are gonna brush over that shyt because they're gonna be all like 'LOL Deadpool!' but there's simply no reason that they couldn't have fixed those issues, so fukk that. But again, the actual Deadpool-in-character scenes do work like a goddamn charm and for the most part are a pure riot. Occasionally there's the odd joke that doesn't work but with spitfire delivery of jokes you'll find yourself laughing quickly enough again. I almost want to spoil some of the jokes so bad because they're so goddamn great but I won't, so I'll just say that whatever references to the X-universe there are in the movie are absolutely brilliant. Overall I'd give it a strong 3.5/5, but since it's a February release and @FlyRy believes that the month of release can dictate the quality of a movie, I'll give it a 1.5/5 instead.

But in all seriousness, it's a 3.5/5 out of 5. Alright, now I'm going to spoil some jokes below.

'Come on, time to go see the professor.'
'Which one, McAvoy or Stewart? These timelines are so confusing.'


'I had the Liam Neeson nightmare. I kidnapped his daughter and he wasn't having it...
... Seriously, they made three of those movies, at some point you have to wonder if he's just a bad parent.'


'You know, for a mansion this size isn't it weird that it's always just the two of you around? You would almost think the studio didn't have the money for another X-Man.'
