Official Deadpool Thread

Lefty Gunz

May 2, 2012
Fox Reportedly Considering Deadpool Sequel Ideas Involving Cable


Shortly after the first Deadpool trailer was released last week, Empire ran an interview with director Tim Miller in which he said he'd like to use Cable in a sequel, if there is one. "There aren’t really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable," Miller explained. "If we don’t put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we’ll be run out of town on a rail."

The website Birth Movies Death has also heard from their source at 20th Century Fox that Cable is being considered for a potential sequel. They report: "They're already kicking around ideas for the sequel. And there's one that has stuck, and - while anything could change between now and whenever the sequel starts shooting - that idea is bringing in Cable."

In the comics, the Deadpool-Cable relationship has been all over the map. At times, they've been enemies, though that was due in large part to Deadpool being brainwashed to kill Cable. However, over time an unlikely friendship developed between the two as Deadpool's insanity works really well at keeping Cable's messiah complex in check. Many would describe their relationship now as one of Marvel's strongest bromances.

As for Cable, how will Fox introduce the powerful mutant? His backstory is complicated, to say the least. He is the son of Scott Summers/Cyclops and Madelyn Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey. Cable's birth name is actually Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. He was sent into the future — ruled by Apocalypse — for his own protection. When he became an adult he traveled back in time to use his knowledge of future events to change the fate of the world. Cable has vast telekinetic and telepathic powers, however, when he was a baby he was infected with a techno-organic virus that left him with a cybernetic eye, left arm and shoulder.

Fox Reportedly Considering Deadpool Sequel Ideas Involving Cable


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY
:mjlol: I mean I like dude, but I can't see him badass-ing round with Wade. They're gonna have to go with somebody younger.
I forgot what movie i recently seen ol boy in but flabby and sick is the best way to describe homie

Erik Killmonger

Apr 29, 2014
RUMOR: Fox May Be Considering Swapping FANTASTIC FOUR 2 With A DEADPOOL Sequel

Ever since Fantastic Four's release, there has been report on top of report, & it'll probably be months before we can separate fact from fiction. Now, a new rumor has surfaced suggesting the already announced Fantastic Four 2 might be swapped out for Deadpool 2!

Take this news with a huge grain of salt, but The Daily Superhero is reporting that 20th Century Fox may be fast-tracking a sequel to Tim Miller's Deadpool, which stars Ryan Reynolds, and if that wasn't enough, they also suggest that there have been internal discussions regarding possibly swapping out the Fantastic Four sequel, which is already set for a June 9, 2017 release date, with a sequel to Deadpool, a yet-to-be released project they are reportedly very happy with.

It should be reiterated that this is an unconfirmed rumor, but if true, according to Empire &Birth.Movies.Death., a potential Deadpool sequel will more than likely incorporate Cable. Also, if true, this would also mean production on a Deadpool sequel would have to begin not long after its February 12, 2016 release date in order to meet the potential 2017 sequel date.

What do you think about a potentially fast-tracked Deadpool sequel? Who would you like to see play Cable? Sound off with your thoughts below!

RUMOR: Fox May Be Considering Swapping FANTASTIC FOUR 2 With A DEADPOOL Sequel

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
RUMOR: Fox May Be Considering Swapping FANTASTIC FOUR 2 With A DEADPOOL Sequel

Ever since Fantastic Four's release, there has been report on top of report, & it'll probably be months before we can separate fact from fiction. Now, a new rumor has surfaced suggesting the already announced Fantastic Four 2 might be swapped out for Deadpool 2!

Take this news with a huge grain of salt, but The Daily Superhero is reporting that 20th Century Fox may be fast-tracking a sequel to Tim Miller's Deadpool, which stars Ryan Reynolds, and if that wasn't enough, they also suggest that there have been internal discussions regarding possibly swapping out the Fantastic Four sequel, which is already set for a June 9, 2017 release date, with a sequel to Deadpool, a yet-to-be released project they are reportedly very happy with.

It should be reiterated that this is an unconfirmed rumor, but if true, according to Empire &Birth.Movies.Death., a potential Deadpool sequel will more than likely incorporate Cable. Also, if true, this would also mean production on a Deadpool sequel would have to begin not long after its February 12, 2016 release date in order to meet the potential 2017 sequel date.

What do you think about a potentially fast-tracked Deadpool sequel? Who would you like to see play Cable? Sound off with your thoughts below!

RUMOR: Fox May Be Considering Swapping FANTASTIC FOUR 2 With A DEADPOOL Sequel
:mjlol: Good news for Ryan Reynolds and Co. I don't know if they'd be able to put together a decent sequel in that small amount of time tho :patrice:


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012

Perfect for Cable

Lefty Gunz

May 2, 2012
New DEADPOOL Images And Details Reveal Easter Eggs, X-MEN Ties, Sequel Ideas And More


  • Deadpool references X-Men Origins: Wolverine by breaking the fourth wall and making fun of it. The movie disregards what happened in that film.
  • Cable was close to being in the film but they chose to wait until Deadpool was on his feet. It sounds like if they get to make a sequel Cable will be part of it.
  • On set they were already planning a post-credits scene that they consider “very cool.”
  • Stan Lee will have a cameo in the film.
  • Miller said that Colossus is the gateway drug into the rest of the X-Men universe and he plays the straight man to Deadpool.
  • The film will not shy away from very graphic scenes and situations but doesn’t dwell on blood and guts. Reynolds said there are some “pretty racy, pretty hyper-violent things that happen in this movie and it’s been a lot of fun to shoot.”
  • Morena Baccarin (Vanessa) will not have any powers in the film. If they get to make a sequel that’s when you’ll see them.
  • The final Deadpool script is about 70% of the script that was leaked, “The same basic movie is there.”
  • Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool costume had a muscle layer underneath that had to be removed because Reynolds was “too ripped” and his own muscle plus the costume muscle made him look “too big.” So all the muscle we see in the film is “100% USDA Ryan Reynolds.”
  • As a nod to Liefeld, Deadpool has his pouches.
  • Deadpool is Pansexual according to Tim Miller.
  • Deadpool does take place in the X-Men movie universe and as such fits into its larger timeline, and it is possible he might show up in the other movies. This affected how they wrote the script and what they were able to reference, such as the Blackbird and Professor X.
  • It was easier to put lesser known mutants in the movie, like Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Angel Dust, because it requires less approval and overhead for the larger X-Men Universe. Colossus required lots of approval and had to fit in the larger canon of the X-Men movieverse.
  • 80s and 90s music is going to be a huge part of the movie.
  • The film will have plenty of Easter eggs might reference a number of other Fox mutants. While I’m not sure, we might see silhouettes of other characters.
  • The movie will feature a number of unusual songs. When Guardians of the Galaxy came out and featured that cool soundtrack, Reynolds said, “I did have a bit of a panic attack.” On set both Reynolds and Miller made it clear that the Deadpool script had its music cues in it years before Guardians was written.
  • They have snuck in some references to other mutants out in the world throughout the film.;
  • Morena Baccarin was not familiar with Deadpool or comics in general before landing the role of Vanessa Carlisle. “She gets down and dirty and she’s not a victim, she’s not a damsel in distress.” Her character really gets into the action in this film; she’s scrappy.
  • olossus will be 7 ft. 6 inches in the film and to the actor on set is 6 ft. 8 and wore 8 inch heels to look the part on set.
  • The first act of the film shows Deadpool using guns. The third act shows him wielding katanas.
  • Angel Dust isn’t in that many comic books so Gina Carano and the writers had to create her character from scratch. But she had a lot of fun with creating the character’s look, which includes yellow contact lenses.
  • She is the henchwoman to Ajax in the movie and has a fight scene with Colossus. When doing her fight scene in a junkyard she was more worried about spiders than anything regarding the actual stunts.
  • Garrison Kane and Wire were almost in the movie

New DEADPOOL Images And Details Reveal Easter Eggs, X-MEN Ties, Sequel Ideas And More