Cornette's never gonna let go of that grudge is he
"Some Beef is Everlasting"---

Cornette's never gonna let go of that grudge is he
Russo has me rolling though when he said Cornette thought that anyone who debuted in a box was automatically over
I’ve seen enough shoots involving all of these parties to have heard them repeat the same stories almost verbatim here. Good episode for fukkery, but less engaging than the Brody episode
I had heard Cornette saying he run away after the screwjob took place in some shoots, but did he say somewhere he was responsible for the idea?
more or less, he said it in this episode. Since Bret kept turning down every single pitch to drop the title, Cornette said just double cross him then [went on to tell a story about another double cross that also happened in Montreal]I had heard Cornette saying he run away after the screwjob took place in some shoots, but did he say somewhere he was responsible for the idea?
Another solid episode.
As far as I can remember, I don't think Cornette ever mentioned coming up with the idea of the screwjob before.
Why did the episode completely ignore that Bret's contract expired weeks after Montreal and he could have dropped it even at the In Your House PPV?
Yea Corny talks about Russo being bug eyed and bewildered when he first brought up the idea of double crossing BretIt was in one of his timeline shoot interviews. He's never elaborated how in detail he laid out a potential screwjob, but he has said that he brought it up in Creative meetings before and Vince shot it down before it could get off the ground and Russo had to be hand held through the concept.
I believe him, TBQH.