been meaning to watch thisTrying to finish season 4. Finishing the Bam Bam ep. Didn’t know about his early life. Good ep.
Missy Hyatt looking like a ghoul![]()
Going back to the Buff episode.At him claiming he was on his way to superstardom before he got released. You were a lower mid card at best in WCW, you see what Vince did to the actual main eventers that came over.
Yeah I really thought they would mention it, too.Pretty funny how they didn't mention Judy calling up the office telling them Buff couldn't make his dates because he was sick too.
Considering that Virgil and Akeem's gimmicks were based on Dusty, it wouldn't surprise me if Vince would base other gimmicks as an inside joke of other wrestlers real lives.tin foil hat on....Jesse and Festus
i'm wondering if Festus was supposed to be kinda like Terry once he was gone mentally. just kinda dull and not there but when the bell rang he seemed fine
But JR and Cornette swore up and down he was the baddest man alive damn near at any point. So this tournament should’ve been a cake walk
Again, y'all judging the 40 year old Dr. Death.Dr Death didn't look like a badass at all to me
They even talk about how dumb it was to put a dude that is All American wrestler in boxing gloves. Why did Randy Couture ankle pick James Toney when he fought him in the UFC. Cause boxing him would have been dumb. They took away the one thing that made Dr. Death dangerous is his ability to take someone down when he got in trouble. I guarantee you if someone like Lashley, Angle or Brock was getting pieced up in a locker room fight they are shooting the double and fukking someone up. Dr. Death was likely the same way especially in his prime.Again, y'all judging the 40 year old Dr. Death.
Plus, he suffered a torn quad in the tournament against Bart Gunn
Mike Tyson didn't look like "the baddest man on the planet" at 40. Dude was getting knocked out by journeymen.
Dr. Death was an All-American wrestler & football player at Oklahoma.
You'd better believe he could handle himself in any locker room in his day.