Vice is posting them on their site.Good site to keep track breh. Brody episode is already out. (released early)
Vice is posting them on their site.Good site to keep track breh. Brody episode is already out. (released early)
Why did the episode completely ignore that Bret's contract expired weeks after Montreal and he could have dropped it even at the In Your House PPV?
I dont know, theres so many docs, shoots and podcasts on it with more info, this one just kinda ended up being a stupid Russo vs Cornette thing in the whole second half.
The Bruiser one is the only in depth one, the others were fine but stuff we knew.
The Gino Hernadez one should be good
He mentioned it on Kayfabe Commentaries shoot. Didn't take responsibility for it, but he talked about how when Vince and them were trying to find a resolution to the Bret/Shawn match, trying to come up with any idea they could. And Jim blurted out "double cross his ass" in jest. From there, the idea was actually discussed and Cornette said it was bad idea. Basically said if Shawn tried to cinch up on a small package, Bret would kick out at 2 & 3/4 and proceed to beating the shyt outta him.I had heard Cornette saying he run away after the screwjob took place in some shoots, but did he say somewhere he was responsible for the idea?
He mentioned it on Kayfabe Commentaries shoot. Didn't take responsibility for it, but he talked about how when Vince and them were trying to find a resolution to the Bret/Shawn match, trying to come up with any idea they could. And Jim blurted out "double cross his ass" in jest. From there, the idea was actually discussed and Cornette said it was bad idea. Basically said if Shawn tried to cinch up on a small package, Bret would kick out at 2 & 3/4 and proceed to beating the shyt outta him.
Even back then I was like Trip seem shook and sound like he not telling the truth.Bret must have been ill with the hands from how wrestler's talk about him, i remember his documentary Triple H and Shawn wanted no parts of those hands lmao...... I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BRET BELIEVE ME LMAO
Even back then I was like Trip seem shook and sound like he not telling the truth.
triple h is just a bodybuilding roid monkey..hart is the son of a legendary wrestler / hooker..of course he didnt want no parts of bretEven back then I was like Trip seem shook and sound like he not telling the truth.
Bret must have been ill with the hands from how wrestler's talk about him, i remember his documentary Triple H and Shawn wanted no parts of those hands lmao...... I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BRET BELIEVE ME LMAO
It is obvious Bret had hands and they didn't want to catch those hands, shyt didn't Shawn catch those hands already before Wrestlemania 13 lol,
And even that was by sucker punching him with a roll of coins in his hand.Bret had just kicked Shawn's ass a few months prior to the Screwjob (after WM 13...wanna say around June-July 1997 without checking sources) and he hadn't even really done anything to him yet. They were probably deathly afraid of what Bret was going to do to them once they HAD done something to him.
From what I know, people rarely tested legit Dungeon trainees (so not Jericho, but Bret, Dynamite Kid, etc. Basically if you weren't trained by Stu Hart, whose last student was Jim Neidhart according to Bret, or Tokyo Joe, you weren't a legit Dungeon trainee). The only guy I remember really got over on one was Jacques Rougeau when he KOed Dynamite over some ribs he had been pulling.
Docs have been fine for the most part, with the best being the Brody episode by a mile. None of these really have a lot of new information dedicated fans couldn't find elsewhere (nothing new about the Screwjob, many people have detailed how Randy and Liz's relationship broke down, and Atlas has told that exact story about Brody's death for years now), but then again these docs aren't made for dedicated fans exclusively. There's definitely a bit of glossing and/or white washing going on here, what with them not going into Randy's weird predilection for much younger women in the late 90s, glossing over how his on screen behavior towards Liz was typical abuser behavior, or really going into Bret's contract situation or how Vince essentially held Owen hostage under threat of legal recourse (ironic considering how Bret could've sued Vince for breach of contract and more than likely won). But the documentaries themselves are for the most part good intros into a different side of the business for newer fans.
Shawn always knew he wasn't bout that life. His political power and tougher Kliq buddies is what kept him from getting punked.Bret must have been ill with the hands from how wrestler's talk about him, i remember his documentary Triple H and Shawn wanted no parts of those hands lmao...... I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BRET BELIEVE ME LMAO