I have to admit I did NOT have my next pick high on my board because A.) I was never personally a big fan of his and B.) I figured he'd be gone earlier than I wanted to take him...
HOWEVER, at this point it seems almost comical that he's still here and I basically feel obligated to take him. Any good GM knows at some point you have to deviate from your draft board and take the BPA, and anytime you can get a top 10-15 all-time superstar in the history of the business - one of the most recognizable names ever, in the FIFTH round, you would be a fool to pass him up.
He's a top promo guy of all time, one of the most charismatic ever, he can switch heel to face at the drop of a hat, and can lead my mid-card or easily slide into a main event program against Flair/Steiner as a face, or Cena/Sammartino as a heel and not feel out of place at all.
Mid 80s Rowdy Roddy Piper
Next up is
@Mack de la Rocha