Who was the cat Meech sold dope to at the end of the episode?
Terry ass was the one that got meech pulled into his case , talking on the phone like a rookie
Ehhhhhh it can go both ways, but the fact remains that they used the hem wire taps and terry crew to grab meech up, if they had another way to wrap up meech they would have used itThey had been on the Feds radar since the 90s. Their names popped up in cases in the double digits. It was just a matter of when.
Ehhhhhh it can go both ways, but the fact remains that they used the hem wire taps and terry crew to grab meech up, if they had another way to wrap up meech they would have used it
Damn I haven’t seen that doc in a while ….you right, but meech may have snuck by if t wasn’t so detailed on the phone, forgot about the ledgerAlso, it was Doc that got both of them hemmed up. He documented every transaction as he was the intermediary between the two as they had gone their separate ways and hadn't been talking to each other. When they raided the home in Buckhead, they found his ledger.
GREAT acting?I cant even front.. this is a good show with great acting.
Meech, Southwest T, Pat and that crazy Jamal (name?) dude are killin it
I believe in real life they never figured out who it wasI just started watching this tonight and im currently halfway through episode 3
dont know if it has been revealed who shot Terry yet but I think it was B-Mickie
he was quick to kill Jmo before Meech could talk to him and he didn’t go see Terry in the hospital
I just saw the scene where he told Kato he wasn’t going to Terry surprise party and it made me think it was him
I feel like if Lamar shot him they would’ve showed it…they hid the identity cause its someone we don’t expect
Harris brothers having a scene together![]()
Just got caught up. Show isn't anything special but it's entertaining (and not downright bad) enough to pass the hour. Nicca Lamar a wild boy. Wonder how much liberty they taking with some of these situations. Know Big M had to be feeding stories to Little Meech & 50 before the script was developed. Like, I legit wonder if they "kidnapped" a little chick.
That scene was lowkey the best acting in the show
The thing about this show is that a number of major players involved are still alive. Someone will debunk what isn't true if they feel that they have to.