Official Blumhouse Halloween Thread

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Lower than i thought
You were expecting more? I figured around $30 mill would be it's capper for opening night.
I know a lot of people were looking at what It pulled down on it's opening day (around $50 mill) but It didn't have the baggage of the previous Halloween series becoming a joke and Zombie's movies being dogshyt. On the bright side it tripled Zombie's first Halloween's opening day total and it got around the same as Ant-Man and The Wasp took in on its first day.


Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
Say something :gladbron:


:laff: Best part of the whole movie IMO next to the tracking scene with Michael

I’d give the movie a 8/10. I wish they had killed Michael tbh the Strode family has been through so much just for him to be still alive. The cycle of trauma still continues now that Michael has killed Alison’s Father. It’s going to be interesting how they come up with a sequel


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Saw it twice. Last night and tonight. Needed to get all my thoughts together because I've thought about it a lot. Hopefully this doesn't go too long.

For a while I've wondered how to make slasher's scary again. How do you make Freddy, Michael, Jason, and leather face threatening again? This movie answers that question. You have to make likable protagonists who exist to do more than just be knocked off. Truly gave a shyt about every character in the movie and didn't want to see any of them get brutalized and that's what made Michael so threatening and I loved every second of it.

Halloween is a dope flick. It moves, the characters are developed, the movie looks beautiful, the kills are brutal, and Michael moves like a cat. He really is somewhere between man and supernatural. There are two set pieces in the movie that nailed it for me: the tracking shot through the neighborhood and the motion light scene. It was funny when it needed to be, serious when it needed to be, and had a release of tension in the end. The score is fukking awesome and I don't regret copping it on vinyl last night either.

Loved the homages to the other movies and Laurie and michaels showdown was cleverly constructed while showing some character development. Best of both worlds.

There are a few quibbles with Laurie's consistency as a character and a third act "twist" that would've made more sense had they did the work to really earn it. There's also some writing issues with Allison and her boyfriend but that's minor.

Other than that, I thought it was a great horror flick, a great movie, and easily the 2nd best movie in the franchise. Glad this movie is making a killing this weekend because I want to see more. Getting rid of all the continuity worked so well for this because it made Michael a random killing machine with seemingly no rhyme or reason; just instinct. There’s a scene in the neighborhood where he could easily go after two people and chooses not to but instead goes after someone else and it’s scary as hell. Not because it’s surprising but because of its randomness. That’s what makes this movie work as well as it does.

Thumbs way the fukk up to everyone involved and God bless Jason Blum.
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