Wait this that feminist chick writing about Panther and Storm?
Naw that was Roxanne Gay. Who wrote the majority of WOW.
The other lady wrote what was basically a one off about the origins of Zenzi
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Wait this that feminist chick writing about Panther and Storm?
Ok brotha...Naw that was Roxanne Gay. Who wrote the majority of WOW.
The other lady wrote what was basically a one of about the origins of Zenzi
Ok brotha...![]()
All im sayin is she seems like she wants to just tell her lil social justice story and doesnt want no problems tryna start somethin
Whereas the other chick straight up wanted ppl to pull up on her, goading ppl that this was gon be some overt lgbt clit fest and that she didnt need t'challa for shyt.
Two completely different energies. We'll see though![]()
Ziggiy spitting bars.Issue 12 was good by Coates standards, however I still had major issues with it...
The resolution between the MA and T'Challa felt forced as all hell. These women started a revolution based upon them hating this man, for no other reason than he was a man. Seriously. That's the hamfisted way in which Coates wrote this season. They moaned, whined, and complained amidst not 1, but TWO comics about "serving the king in all things" (he NEVER touched them, or intimated such perversion) blamed him for circumstances that occurred while he WASNT on the throne, and started an entire blood soaked campaign with "No One Man" dedicated to bringing him down.
And all we get is Aneka suddenly remembering T'Challa's burden and weeping because Reasons?
Naw, that's not good enough. If the reason for the MA rebellion had to do STRICTLY with them feeling the death sentence from Ramonda wasn't fair, then ok, I can kind of see T'Challa's willingness to let bygones be bygones and pardon them so easily. But Coates specifically made their betrayal personal, and Gay struck it home with a hammer made of fire. You can't simply pardon such gross disrespect for your reign. There needed to be an actual CONSEQUENCE to show that MA were 100% wrong in their actions after Ayo freed Aneka. A well deserved tongue lashing from Shuri is welcome, but ultimately ineffective.
Also I still don't like Changamaire having what feels like free reign to do and say as he pleases so soon after the Tetu fiasco. Yes he helped end the rebellion of the People, but you cannot trust a man like him. I CERTAINLY wouldn't have allowed Changamaire and Aneka to share a roof together. Coates has said that T'Challa would love Game Of Thrones, well allowing two enemies, former or not, the opportunity to forge any type of understanding or alliance is something NO smart monarch would do, not even crazy ass Cersei.
It wasn't all bad though.
I did, after this issue, understand Coates's reasoning for having T'Challa on the "I'm no King" pity party train. And I'm not against it. The resolution for that and how the conversation between T'Challa and Shuri was handled was the one thing I feel like Coates 100% stuck the landing on. It was a HUGE payoff in my opinion and finally a culmination of everything that had damaged T'Challa's psyche since refusing to blow up the bombs. I have to admit I had zero confidence that Coates could do it, but he was able to satisfy me in that regard.
I'm not....adverse to the way The monarchy is going to be going forward, I just honestly feel as if either Coates changed his mind at the last minute or Marvel editorial FINALLY stepped in and told Coates to slow his roll. It doesnt feel at all revolutionary to have a democratically voted council. It honestly feels like a letdown because if this was ALL Coates had in mind then his complete deconstruction and disrespect shown to the mythos and the character was nothing but bullshyt. The entire 11 issues before this, stressing the "need" for earth shattering change paid off in....pretty much the same thing it's been since T'Challa ascended kingship. A part of me wishes Coates would've had the balls to go ahead and make Wakanda a republic, and then I certainly would've been free to drop the book and go on about my life. But now we have...
King T'Challa taking a little vacation to rekindle the romance with Ororoe. This of course was completely out of left field and shocked the hell out of me. How should I be feeling right now? Is this sliver of hope simply a fool's wish? Or will Coates actually ALLOW T'Challa and Storm to have an actual conversation about their feelings and where it all went wrong. Can they actually reconcile? Will T'Challa take Bast to task over her absence? Will Kasper Cole really show up to lead the HZ? Will somebody PLEASE kill Stane and keep him FAR away from Wakanda?
Bad Comic book writing 101. The comic is called Black Panther not the Dora Milaje. BP is the star and titular hero. You want your audience to root for him and want him to succeed. If the audience are gravitating towards the Milaje and wanting BP to "fall back" then you, as a writer, fukked up big time. This is basic stuff that every aspiring comic writer should know.I don't understand the complaints about social issues being touched on in the series. Every Black Panther run has had some social commentary in it to some extent or another, it's always been an important element of the book. I would have had no problems with Coates addressing feminism during his run, the problem I had was that he went out of his way to make T'Challa look bad during this series. T'Challa was painted in such a negative light that new readers were coming on rooting for the Dora Milaje and saying T'Challa was wrong and needed to fall back. He shytted on the title character of the book for the majority of the run just to build up his pet characters.
It's possible to build up a supporting cast, tell great stories with social commentary, and show the protagonist struggling to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds without shytting on the lead character. THAT is the biggest failure of Coates run.
Bad Comic book writing 101. The comic is called Black Panther not the Dora Milaje. BP is the star and titular hero. You want your audience to root for him and want him to succeed. If the audience are gravitating towards the Milaje and wanting BP to "fall back" then you, as a writer, fukked up big time. This is basic stuff that every aspiring comic writer should know.
The fact that editorial let this shyt fly for so long is ridiculous.
Finally set pics