Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
This was also the first Marvel movie that completely took my attention away from Thanos

most movies in the back of my head I'm like ok what does this mean for that plot

But BP had me thinking about only what was going on in that world
You cant tell me as you watched ant-man you were thinking thanos no way:russ:


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
With the exception of the final fight which I thought was just average (though I thought the railroad affecting their suits was a dope touch) I liked all the action scenes.
- both warrior falls fights were powerful
- loved the casino fight + car chase
- loved the civil war between the dora, jobari and border tribe
And as I said, the ONLY time the cgi bothered me was when they were falling from onto the railroad. Otherwise I was good. I thought the cgi with their ship was dope AF.
Please be careful when it comes to how these cacs move when it comes to scrutinizing our art.I'm by no means saying the film is perfect and beyond reproach. No film is, but I find it funny how cacs have no issue dealing with
- The fights in all three dark knight movies being shot in a way that makes it difficult to keep track of what's going on.
- that Batman fights stiff and clunky for a guy who is supposed to be the ultimate martial artist. The action in those movies in general are nothing to write home about for the most part
- Batman's weird ass grizzly voice (I like it, but it's been criticized a ton)
And other flaws/inconsistencies to stil label TDK the goat Superhero movie, but we gotta sit here and defend some spotty CGI in parts and a lack of action. fukk all that. Movie was a masterpiece despite the shortcomings we acknowledge.
BTW, this is coming from someone who considered The Dark Knight to be my favorite movie ever until BP and WS came through and made me pause.
I agree mostly... The whole Nolan trilogy is overrated IMO, not saying they're bad cause I own them. People tend to wanna overlook shyt like you pointed out.