If Cirie
raised Jared better she might have won.
Likely based off personal relationshipI haven’t watched too much big brother seasons recently so I’m not sure if the jury is salty or if Jag was just bad in dealing with the jury, but Cirie and Felicia last night were talking about how Matt would get their vote over Jag and how they’re going to campaign hard for Matt in jury..
it don’t make sense to me tho because Jag came back from eviction and has been playing a perfect game since zombie week, controlling every hoh and getting every single one of his targets evicted in order.. what has Matt done in comparison..?
I haven’t watched too much big brother seasons recently so I’m not sure if the jury is salty or if Jag was just bad in dealing with the jury, but Cirie and Felicia last night were talking about how Matt would get their vote over Jag and how they’re going to campaign hard for Matt in jury..
it don’t make sense to me tho because Jag came back from eviction and has been playing a perfect game since zombie week, controlling every hoh and getting every single one of his targets evicted in order.. what has Matt done in comparison..?
Cirie cannot make it to the end without Jared. She is looking like a good target to put on someone's resume.
Jared winning on Thursday and then winning an HoH would be ideal. The amount of fuccery and tears will be peak entertainment.
It will also help the BW in the game as the house will continue to target him before any of them.
Jared needs to get back in and target people that would target Cirie like Corey and America with a Matt/Jag backdoor option.
Feel like this is the story of every bug brother season.gave up on this mid season as it got too boring.
I started late, but it’s good.Anybody watching Reindeer games? I just dvr'ed it