The women are in the HOH room rn (have been for hours). When they're not in game mode, and not being passive aggressive. These people chopping it up are probably top 5 (at least top 10) most genuine (and naturally entertaining) cast of all time, and i'll stand by that. All that downtime, and they always find something new to do or talk about. The game is what it is rn, but you can't take away the fact that these people are some of the nicest, well behaved, compatible, creative people ever casted. BB19, and BB21 was so toxic, it makes the people from this season look like angels sent down from God.
EDIT: The men are sending the women on a fetch quest through the house like they're NPC's in Witcher 3, or Elder Scrolls or some shyt
2nd Edit: SB requested Rihanna's ANTI album
Her singing Sex With Me had me like
She sounded pretty good though
Ky probably heard her and deep down was like
She's lowkey horny horny, and i bet if there weren't any cameras they'd be getting busy right in front of that picture of her gf Shelly.