Some people online are starting to hate that it's looking like the cookout (the black majority alliance) will steamroll. Janelle overrated ass said it to
I would rather that not be the case but i feel like after all the previous seasons being predominantly white. White people watching the show shouldn't even open their mouth's about it.
I will say this though. From what i've seen on the feeds. I think a few of the white houseguest have a feeling that the CO alliance is formed, but either don't want to voice it, or don't know how to voice it out loud without it sounding a little
For them i could understand any complaint, or struggle to voice that. They are in the game for $750,000.
Tiff was fighting back tears two nights ago. Because as much as she wants all the black hg's to make jury. It's bad for her game. Plus her, and Claire are like sisters in that house. Those two are together 99% of the time (i hope they're final 2 to be honest). Tiff said herself that Claire is the only one she trust in the house since day one. She tells other hg's otherwise to throw them off (so they're not seen as a pair/duo).
Tiff said to the cameras "I am trying to hold on to so much, my hands are full, and I have to let something go". Afterwards she kept implying she's going to choose Claire over CO. Which i think is the right call because why would she willingly give up her closest ally so early? Plus she'd probably be at the bottom of CO unless her Ky final 2 is legit (to Ky). Tiff apologized to America beforehand. She basically said she's not ruining her game just to appease the black community, she's playing to win