funny post taken from reddit
Frenchie: "I haven't had soda in two days"....Frenchie you had sprite last night,
Frenchie: "I can't stand Coke" THIS IS THE BIGGEST LIE HE'S TOLD SO FAR!
Frenchie: "I haven't drank soda in days"
Frenchie promised Brit he will use the veto on her if he wins the veto comp
Someone on reddit said if Frenchie wins the veto he's going to say:
"I was gonna save Britini because I want her to stay. But I realized that my team will lose the game without me. So i cant be selfish and do what my heart wants. I cant quit on Azah and Big D. After all, they are POC. They deserve a good chance to win. Therefore i regretfully choose to use the veto on myself but really for them. Its just the right thing to do."