BTW can we stop calling Florida a swing state? It’s clearly Trump county as it’s gone red 4 straight elections and dark red under Trump
Lets hope its a short lifeConspiracy tards will be waiting their whole worthless lives for this to happen
I was freaking out typing about this shyt last night when it looked like Biden was going to lose. I was saying I know he has some platforms I really like, like a $15 minimum wage, but I'm very plugged into politics and that's the only reason I know. Most people did not know about it because he didn't hammer it home at every opportunity.Democrats need to stop the republican party from defining them.
They also need to stop talking "smart" and just deliver their message clearly.
Ill be honest , i dont know what Biden's policies are besides a return to normalcy and getting rid of Trump .
That clearly wasn't enough. They need to offer people things and say it clearly.
I don’t care what that stupid article from 3 years ago says. I’ve read those random ass polls before. Thinking that the government won’t do shyt for you isn’t different than being a conservative of voting Republican, whenever they have been given the chance they vote for Dems at a higher rate than any generation in history. I don’t deal in abstract theories made for clicks. No disrespect to you personally. We watched them actually become voting age and do nothing of the sort.Was implying that white Gen Z cats are more conservative than white Millennials.
Some of us have been saying this in here and not citing it, but the new cats are the ones that have been suckered into this alt-right bullshyt. The millennial got sent to 2 wars (one based on a massive lie) but a Republican president and we never forgot that shyt. We spilled blood for oil-hungry motherfukkers like dikk Cheney and Bush Jr. We spent our college years with John Stewart. Our parents were more likely to be conservative and we rebelled. Obama was the president that our generation first got excited about and rallied behind. We faced a recession that Obama inherit from Bush, and now Covid and a Covid recession from another Republican president in trump.
Gen Z grew up with phones and technology, in the era of trolling, and haven't had to face a significant war or recession yet. They're in a weird time where they can get sucked in by alt-right characters on youtube. They're having less sex than any generation, and they're super anxious. Pardon me if I'm a bit skeptical of white Gen Zers
"Possibly the most conservative generation wince World War 2"
Why Democrats Should Be Losing Sleep Over Generation Z
Same could be said about TX but we won’t see it in the midterm or 2024. Maybe 2026 at the earliest but we have to make inroads on the state levelAs long as we keep getting Dem transplants we become a battleground if Dems handle it right.
Democrats need to stop the republican party from defining them.
They also need to stop talking "smart" and just deliver their message clearly.
Ill be honest , i dont know what Biden's policies are besides a return to normalcy and getting rid of Trump .
That clearly wasn't enough. They need to offer people things and say it clearly.
The Senate depresses meWhy are people still worrying about this election, I see people fretting about votes in Michigan, Nevada and PA. Relax this shyt done vote counting wise, Trump has no path. Joe Biden is gonna be the 46th president of the United States.
We should be paying attention of the desperate fukkery he will pull to not leave via the courts.
Wow, you n*ggas is disrespectful.
BTW can we stop calling Florida a swing state? It’s clearly Trump county as it’s gone red 4 straight elections and dark red under Trump
I never got the LatinX term. Is an an overly PC word that only a couple thousand angry people on twitter care about?