I am absolutely floored on how Trump was able to expand his base considering his original 2016 base was diminished because of age. He really made inroads with white women, Hispanics (in crazy fashion) and some black men and women.
I’m absolutely shocked and fascinated by this. Absolutely shocked by this
This was touched on earlier in the thread, but these long parroted narratives that "The GOP is guaranteed to go demographically extinct as time goes on and America becomes more diverse" and "High turnout guarantees a victory for Democrats in presidential elections" are foolish and irresponsibly off the mark. Minorities are not a monlith, which means that just because you hit it out of the park with black people in South Carolina during the primaries does not in any way mean that your are assured or entitled to being gifted Florida come general election time by Hispanics. And plenty of people of every race, gender, and political affiliation historically don't vote. Which means that pushing the "vote vote vote" message and courting a high turnout means that EVERYONE will be voting, progressive and conservative, people for AND against your candidate. Stuff like voter suppression and gerrymandering definitely give Republicans a stacked deck when turnout is low... but the inverse, a high turnout, does not automatically disadvantage them, especially depending on location.
You want to crush the GOP and beat Trump for good like everyone was wishfully deluding themselves into thinking Biden would (almost literally) sleepwalk himself into? Demand accountability and better leadership form the clowns in charge of the senate and congress like Schumer, better candidates to beat the GOP's hivemind that coalescence around the candidates they nominate, and don't skimp on doing the groundwork and campaigning in states and communities you KNOW are going to be a battleground like FL, unlike Biden did thinking he was automatically entitled to minority voters nationwide. Or else you're going to get razor thin nailbiters against an idiot that should have lost in a landslide 4 years ago and never won in the first place, and end up with a gridlocked lame duck congress that gets nothing done even if/when you do pull out the victory.