Bernie Bros are really mad in those comments. God damn

I used to be a Bernie Bro too until early 2016. I really hated Hillary and it was because of all the anti-Hillary conspiracies that I saw online in 2015-16. I thought she was the closest thing to the Devil Incarnate. However, I was ALWAYS on #TeamfukkTrump

That's what made me stop being a Bernie Bro. I saw a lot of them online saying that "Hillary is just as bad as Trump", "Hillary is worse than Trump", "I'm not voting, I don't care if Trump wins". I couldn't rock with that at all. Even though I couldn't vote in 2016 (I was 17), that was still an unacceptable position to have. From that point on, I saw how toxic many Bernie supporters are (not all) and the past 4 years has just made things worse. The rational Bernie supporters are drowned out by the insane Bernietards.