@Robbie3000 @New Jeruzalem Journalist y'all look like clowns to me defending the idea that meeting with Trump is a positive action for culturally black Americans.

negs on deck
Motherfukker, WHAT?!?????

N*gga, you show me anywhere, on any planet, dimension, or timeline where I EVER remotely suggested anything so fukking ridiculous and I'll leave this site on a permanent ban TODAY.
You're making up bullshyt lies for daps because I rightfully called your silly ass out for literally telling another black man that he isn't black enough to speak on racism in America because he's an immigrant.
How you twisted me pointing out your blatantly

talking points that sounded like they came straight off the TLR presses into somehow being a defense of Trump or even Ice Cube for that matter (I never even commented on the whole Cube ordeal you simpleton), in actuality just shows that you're not man enough to admit that you could have simply just chosen your words better if you wanted to contrast historical cultural differences of black communities in America instead of spouting off some bullshyt that sounded like you just came back from a Willie Lynch lecture.
Of course I know you're not gonna man up and admit that you got me confused with somebody else out here defending Cube or Trump, cuz if it's one thing above all else that I've learned from reading your posts in here, it's that you got ZERO integrity.