They are going further and further right. Hate radio isn't going away. Fox News isn't going away. The alt right Neo fascists aren't going away. When Dems are in power they usually get even more radicalized. It only going to get worse. The party has been going further right since Reagan. Went from Reagan to Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. Then W Bush was pushing Neo-conservatism which lead to the failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And of course the 2008 crisis which worsened income inequality. Then we had the Tea Party Republicans which was this radical conservative ideology which saw Obama this Chavez socialist tyrant. This lead to Donald Trump's brand of conservatism. Now post Trump will be this Qanon mess. Their next target will be Kamala Harris which you already seeing the right hating her. The next stage I see happening in the next 8-10 years in the alt right Neo fascist will take over the party. Young white men are being radicalized by this brand which has influences from Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Todd Poole, Andy Ngo etc. David Frump warned us about this. " If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy." This is where the party is heading. And Dems better govern effectively and govern with the same ruthless tenacity as the GOP. If not we will have an even more competent populist white supremacist neo fascist version of Trump winning through the undemocratic electoral college again.