Again your premise operates under the assumption that a Biden administration won't act on the recommendations and referrals from congressional oversight, watchdogs, and inspector generals.
My concern is that the bureaucratic layers of congressional oversight, watchdogs and inspector generals will produce a rationale for justice to go unpursued because it's being funneled through historically corrupted channels as donors apply pressure to their congressional patrons. I don't see Congress advocating for the imprisonment of Trump administration officials, the executive branch is a much more likely point of origin.
You prosecute crime objectively if your goal is to root out corruption.
You remove unfit bad actors objectively.
I'm not saying put Tiffany Trump in jail. I'm saying there have already been clearly documented, objective cases of crimes and human rights violations being perpetrated by the Trump administration. Biden and the Democratic Establishment's hesitation to call this out for what it is is because they fundamentally believe in the concept of elite inculpability and are benefiting from the same protection that philosophy gives to Trump officials. This reminds me of the hesitation a lot of Dems had around impeaching Trump. The man could have been rightfully impeached for a myriad of actions he's taken since the day he assumed the office of the Presidency. Democrats are addicted to propping up an image of normalcy as the country is literally burning down.
It's been one of the biggest complaints of the Trump administration, that he's only concerned with corruption if it is done by a Democrat or someone associated with Obama.
Except the Trump administration is guilty of
actually committing these crimes so saying Biden and the Democrats shouldn't unrelentingly pursue the Trump criminals because it will just look hypocritical/"both sides" is fukked and ceding to Trump the long-term victory.
Justice department shouldn't be politicized.
Very much disagree. Justice is political. The Justice Department was acting politically when AG Bobby Kennedy sent his boys down to Alabama and Mississippi to implement desegregation against Republican governors.