Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
Research shows that SMS open rates are as high as 98%

Furthermore, 75% of people have suggested that they’d be happy to receive an offer via SMS – this is why 65% of marketers say that SMS marketing is a “very effective” method for them.

Keep making those calls and going door to door :troll:



Jan 26, 2017
Dems permanently poisoned the well by letting Bloomberg buy endorsements and a primary slot then the full court press for dementia Joe



Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012

Meh all these left wing YouTubers are stuck in 2016 and don't realize the moment we're in.

Bernie along with all those candidates said they'd back the nominee when/if they took that L. Bernie took that L weeks ago.

Yeah, a task force seems like nothing but the half full glass says this is probably more meaningful than the DNC platform since its Joe inviting Bernie's team over to develop this. That's fine.

Joe isn't gonna back M4ALL or the whole Green New Deal. Even if the Dems have an amazing year winning the Senate and expanding the majority in the House, we don't have the numbers to get M4ALL passed. These online voices do not get that. I'm not saying Biden's plan for Medicare expansion is good, its stupid, I mean we have so many Senators and Hillary herself who proposed to lower the age to 55 or 50... and it was talked about in 2009! But next year with a new administration and Congress, we'll probably get measures that should have been in Obamacare plus some necessary changes to our system to deal with the 20-30% unemployment reality we're facing.

But people acting as if we had Bernie as the nominee that we'd get his bills passed are delusional as hell. And I'm just annoyed by that frame of thinking and annoyed people act as if the progressive movement is dying cause a presidential campaign failed.

I understand people voting for Howie Hawkins on the Green Party ticket but getting Trump out the paint and winning the US Senate majority is paramount if people want progressive policies enacted and not struck down for a generation through the courts.

We couldn't even get Medicaid expanded to all 50 states cause of the SCOTUS :snoop: and it was the best part of the ACA..

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Meh all these left wing YouTubers are stuck in 2016 and don't realize the moment we're in.

Bernie along with all those candidates said they'd back the nominee when/if they took that L. Bernie took that L weeks ago.

Yeah, a task force seems like nothing but the half full glass says this is probably more meaningful than the DNC platform since its Joe inviting Bernie's team over to develop this. That's fine.

Joe isn't gonna back M4ALL or the whole Green New Deal. Even if the Dems have an amazing year winning the Senate and expanding the majority in the House, we don't have the numbers to get M4ALL passed. These online voices do not get that. I'm not saying Biden's plan for Medicare expansion is good, its stupid, I mean we have so many Senators and Hillary herself who proposed to lower the age to 55 or 50... and it was talked about in 2009! But next year with a new administration and Congress, we'll probably get measures that should have been in Obamacare plus some necessary changes to our system to deal with the 20-30% unemployment reality we're facing.

But people acting as if we had Bernie as the nominee that we'd get his bills passed are delusional as hell. And I'm just annoyed by that frame of thinking and annoyed people act as if the progressive movement is dying cause a presidential campaign failed.

I understand people voting for Howie Hawkins on the Green Party ticket but getting Trump out the paint and winning the US Senate majority is paramount if people want progressive policies enacted and not struck down for a generation through the courts.

We couldn't even get Medicaid expanded to all 50 states cause of the SCOTUS :snoop: and it was the best part of the ACA..


All Star
May 18, 2012
Meh all these left wing YouTubers are stuck in 2016 and don't realize the moment we're in.

Bernie along with all those candidates said they'd back the nominee when/if they took that L. Bernie took that L weeks ago.

Yeah, a task force seems like nothing but the half full glass says this is probably more meaningful than the DNC platform since its Joe inviting Bernie's team over to develop this. That's fine.

Joe isn't gonna back M4ALL or the whole Green New Deal. Even if the Dems have an amazing year winning the Senate and expanding the majority in the House, we don't have the numbers to get M4ALL passed. These online voices do not get that. I'm not saying Biden's plan for Medicare expansion is good, its stupid, I mean we have so many Senators and Hillary herself who proposed to lower the age to 55 or 50... and it was talked about in 2009! But next year with a new administration and Congress, we'll probably get measures that should have been in Obamacare plus some necessary changes to our system to deal with the 20-30% unemployment reality we're facing.

But people acting as if we had Bernie as the nominee that we'd get his bills passed are delusional as hell. And I'm just annoyed by that frame of thinking and annoyed people act as if the progressive movement is dying cause a presidential campaign failed.

I understand people voting for Howie Hawkins on the Green Party ticket but getting Trump out the paint and winning the US Senate majority is paramount if people want progressive policies enacted and not struck down for a generation through the courts.

We couldn't even get Medicaid expanded to all 50 states cause of the SCOTUS :snoop: and it was the best part of the ACA..

We've been playing this game on those terms since the 80's, how far has that gotten us. You mentioned that some of the things we might get with Biden should have been in the ACA originally, but the Democrats had a supermajority when that passed and no Republican voted for it. Without a supermajority this time how are the Democrats getting those provisions in?

You talked about the supreme court striking down provisions of the ACA already and even if Biden replaced RBG the Republicans would still have the majority on the court, I wouldn't put it past McConnell to force the older conservative justices to retire and be quickly replaced with younger ones within 2 months if Trump loses. Whether the majority is 5-4 or 7-2 Republicans still control the court for a generation. They also control the lower courts that no one pays attention to, that makes the most legal decisions.

We keep going along with the harm reduction, incremental approach while continuing to lose with that approach. The far right is swinging for the fences and getting all the things that they, the politicians, want by playing hardball.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
We've been playing this game on those terms since the 80's, how far has that gotten us. You mentioned that some of the things we might get with Biden should have been in the ACA originally, but the Democrats had a supermajority when that passed and no Republican voted for it. Without a supermajority this time how are the Democrats getting those provisions in?

You talked about the supreme court striking down provisions of the ACA already and even if Biden replaced RBG the Republicans would still have the majority on the court, I wouldn't put it past McConnell to force the older conservative justices to retire and be quickly replaced with younger ones within 2 months if Trump loses. Whether the majority is 5-4 or 7-2 Republicans still control the court for a generation. They also control the lower courts that no one pays attention to, that makes the most legal decisions.

We keep going along with the harm reduction, incremental approach while continuing to lose with that approach. The far right is swinging for the fences and getting all the things that they, the politicians, want by playing hardball.

The lower courts is mainly my point. There will be more appointments to make in the coming years.

And the right has power. Thats cause the far right has money from the Mercers, the Kochs, the Adelsons and whatever lunatic billionaire family you can name to fund these groups on the Christian fascist right to the white nationalist blowhards to their YouTube and Talk Radio echo chamber to having the most watched cable news channel

Yes, they know power, they also wield it.

The left, the Dems, they don't know or don't want to wield power when they have it which is why 2009-2010 was devastating.

The problem is this is the system we've got and it is shiddy. The Dem Party isn't going to collapse anytime soon if that's what people in the left are rooting for.

The left has to learn how to fukking win. And there has to be a better way beyond Bernie's campaign which got things right but got also got things terribly wrong.


All Star
May 18, 2012
The lower courts is mainly my point. There will be more appointments to make in the coming years.

And the right has power. Thats cause the far right has money from the Mercers, the Kochs, the Adelsons and whatever lunatic billionaire family you can name to fund these groups on the Christian fascist right to the white nationalist blowhards to their YouTube and Talk Radio echo chamber to having the most watched cable news channel

Yes, they know power, they also wield it.

The left, the Dems, they don't know or don't want to wield power when they have it which is why 2009-2010 was devastating.

The problem is this is the system we've got and it is shiddy. The Dem Party isn't going to collapse anytime soon if that's what people in the left are rooting for.

The left has to learn how to fukking win. And there has to be a better way beyond Bernie's campaign which got things right but got also got things terribly wrong.
The left can't win a rigged game. Not in the sense of votes being changed but in the sense of having the media against you. We've currently got older people who trust what they see on TV news and base their opinions on those narratives. Breaking through that propaganda is nearly impossible.

As for the people with money controlling things, that's why we need money out of politics. We need to be focused on getting a constitutional amendment that bars private money from being used in elections. The law based on that amendment should give every citizen access to $1,000 per year that they can donate to candidates of their choice and that should be the only money allowed to be used. If the citizens don't use the money for campaign donations they lose it.

It keeps the playing field somewhat level and allows for outsiders to have a chance of getting into Congress and the Senate. Maybe then we can get some people on the left who want to wield power in place.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
The lower courts is mainly my point. There will be more appointments to make in the coming years.

And the right has power. Thats cause the far right has money from the Mercers, the Kochs, the Adelsons and whatever lunatic billionaire family you can name to fund these groups on the Christian fascist right to the white nationalist blowhards to their YouTube and Talk Radio echo chamber to having the most watched cable news channel

Yes, they know power, they also wield it.

The left, the Dems, they don't know or don't want to wield power when they have it which is why 2009-2010 was devastating.

The problem is this is the system we've got and it is shiddy. The Dem Party isn't going to collapse anytime soon if that's what people in the left are rooting for.

The left has to learn how to fukking win. And there has to be a better way beyond Bernie's campaign which got things right but got also got things terribly wrong.

Bro, I feel you on what your saying. And I know I been one of the people arguing for the establishment of a third party.

But I think what I’m really getting at is what you and a few others just said. The Dems gotta stop acting like some bytch made centrist pussies if they want the confidence of people like me. When they have advantages they don’t take them, and when they don’t have them they complain that they don’t have them.

It almost makes me wonder if Dems are in cahoots with Repubs to weaken government institutions. You would think the extreme way the right gets to its goals would arouse similar responses from Dems. But I don’t look at Dems in America right now as even a representation of the Left. They are corporate centrists which are charged with the duty of maintaining status quo and quite frankly, allowing people to believe that the utter incompetence, tone deafness, and overall callous and dismissive way in which Dems look at their constituents as some normal part of politics. Those Blue pussies work for us, and if they can’t get right then someone move they bytchasses along and bring some politicians willing to fukkin fight for the left.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Bro, I feel you on what your saying. And I know I been one of the people arguing for the establishment of a third party.

But I think what I’m really getting at is what you and a few others just said. The Dems gotta stop acting like some bytch made centrist pussies if they want the confidence of people like me. When they have advantages they don’t take them, and when they don’t have them they complain that they don’t have them.

It almost makes me wonder if Dems are in cahoots with Repubs to weaken government institutions. You would think the extreme way the right gets to its goals would arouse similar responses from Dems. But I don’t look at Dems in America right now as even a representation of the Left. They are corporate centrists which are charged with the duty of maintaining status quo and quite frankly, allowing people to believe that the utter incompetence, tone deafness, and overall callous and dismissive way in which Dems look at their constituents as some normal part of politics. Those Blue pussies work for us, and if they can’t get right then someone move they bytchasses along and bring some politicians willing to fukkin fight for the left.
Bingo, although the goal is just to collect lobbyist/corporate money the bi-product of that is weakening of government institutions. But yes, the two party system is in cahoots to keep it just that. Dems will activate and play dirty to get rid of competition on their left but adversaries on their right they on some, "Aw shucks, we tried but the Republicans beat us again."
With the way things went down 2020, Progressives got to play nice especially nationally and take the fight more locally and be stealthier about it. Beat your fellow Democrats without calling them names or even out on their corruption. Be nice rhetorically but ruthless election and legislative wise. It will slow the Dems down in looking at you as an enemy.