Meh all these left wing YouTubers are stuck in 2016 and don't realize the moment we're in.
Bernie along with all those candidates said they'd back the nominee when/if they took that L. Bernie took that L weeks ago.
Yeah, a task force seems like nothing but the half full glass says this is probably more meaningful than the DNC platform since its Joe inviting Bernie's team over to develop this. That's fine.
Joe isn't gonna back M4ALL or the whole Green New Deal. Even if the Dems have an amazing year winning the Senate and expanding the majority in the House, we don't have the numbers to get M4ALL passed. These online voices do not get that. I'm not saying Biden's plan for Medicare expansion is good, its stupid, I mean we have so many Senators and Hillary herself who proposed to lower the age to 55 or 50... and it was talked about in 2009! But next year with a new administration and Congress, we'll probably get measures that should have been in Obamacare plus some necessary changes to our system to deal with the 20-30% unemployment reality we're facing.
But people acting as if we had Bernie as the nominee that we'd get his bills passed are delusional as hell. And I'm just annoyed by that frame of thinking and annoyed people act as if the progressive movement is dying cause a presidential campaign failed.
I understand people voting for Howie Hawkins on the Green Party ticket but getting Trump out the paint and winning the US Senate majority is paramount if people want progressive policies enacted and not struck down for a generation through the courts.
We couldn't even get Medicaid expanded to all 50 states cause of the SCOTUS

and it was the best part of the ACA..