Bernie a hero yo
Germany has socialized medici- never mind
Can a Bernie bro explain how at this moment a case for government run healthcare is being made?
Please explain how single payer systems around the world are shytting on our system at this moment?
I dont think this pandemic isnt the talking point B-bros think it is... at least not yet.
Bernie a hero yo
It's bad...this dude worries me just off his inability to keep it together.
Imagine if Bernie had this 300 delegate leadNot mad at this at all.
The pandemic has completely upended everything in America so staying in the race or dropping out at this point won't measure much reaction. And the argument Bernie haters will use that says Bernie staying in the race will only damage Biden's chances against Trump won't hold much weight when it becomes more and more evident that Biden himself staying in the race is what's really hurting his chances against Trump.
I wonder what the results would have looked like if Super Tuesday occurred after the pandemic and business shutdowns and not before. How many peoples minds would have been changed with Bernie organizing charitable donations and being front and center in the Senate negotiations vs "electable" Joe being pitied in interviews on live tv by hosts catching second-hand embarrassment at his responses.
In all likelihood not enough to change the results as they currently stand, but I'm sure more than a few Biden voters would have given it some pause before voting.