Its honestly infuriating that his campaign faltered like this
There were mistakes but the campaign post-heart attack was honestly pretty strong and you have to factor in Warren's presence in the race competing for the 2016 very liberal vote + institutional disadvantages. I just don't totally agree with the they faltered stuff. They had a good play. The strategy was to just survive South Carolina and make a big delegate play in California and Texas with the centrists clustered. The race would be over by now if it had worked -- that's why he didn't have any state offices after Super Tuesday in places like Michigan
Obama and the establishment clearly knew this and made a last minute chess move to cut into our delegate margin by getting everyone to drop but what happened next they couldn't have imagined in their wildest dreams -- Biden somehow won MA, MN and ME. They fully expected Bernie to come out with seven states won and a 100-150 delegate lead. The Democrats and mainstream press have never been this competent. This could be another chapter in Manufacturing Consent.
How do you prepare for the second place finisher in Iowa and NH dropping out the day before Super Tuesday and endorsing Biden? This has never happened in history. And then you got Amy, Beto, senators and house members endorsing Biden + 70 million in free positive media blitz. I don't blame them for being caught off guard. I'm still shocked at what happened.
We couldn't even get a Barbara Lee endorsement after Nevada, I don't want to hear it from Clyburn about not reaching out. Obama and the DNC clearly clearly had their foot on people's necks.
And on final note, go look at the cities where Warren's superPAC was spending money and where she killed us on the margins in left leaning states like Minnesota and Colorado. There wasn't much crossover in a place like Arkansas. They were spending heavy in Travis County(Austin, Texas) to cut into our very liberal vote. The rest is for the history, we will talk about the 72 hours after South Carolina for the next 50 years