So people are afraid of Bernie becoming like George McGovern? Did they even have anything of the equilvalent of BernieBros in McGovern's time?
So people are afraid of Bernie becoming like George McGovern? Did they even have anything of the equilvalent of BernieBros in McGovern's time?
Brooks had a british guy maybe a year and a half ago, talking about italian politics and he had recently written in jacobin an article called "Italy is the future" and he was saying for the longest it was thew christian democrats vs the communist party but once the communist party split up, it also caused the christian dems to fold cause they were essentially co dependent in their opposition. and it led to kind of this open free for all
recently nomiki konst was on fox and kennedy asked her, what happens if sanders gets a plurality but not the nom, and nomiki said, the dem party will be over, but so will the republicans because they are co dependent . and i thought back to that article.
I think the whole narrative about Bernie bros is that the establishment cant stand the fact that they're active in the political scene; the MSM and pundits cant spew bullshyt without being called out for it
The GOP is too tied in to certain states. No way they collapse in my opinion.
McGovern is a lazy comparison by people cause Nixon had 60% approval and was beating McGovern by 15 points in polls going to 1971.
Chris Hedges is talking about the Dem establishment and corporate media having a mask off approach to Bernie if he is the nominee. They'd prefer to give favorable coverage to Trump...
I could see that happening... but not sure