Now that I'm home and looking a little more into these numbers.
Amongst Democrats
Sanders leads with "Very Liberal",is second with "Somewhat Liberal" and third "Conservative" voters
He leads amongst Democratic Men and Women.
He's first with White Democrats, third with Black Democrats.
He's first with Democrats making less than $50k, first with Democrats making $50 -100K, and first with Democrats making $100K and up
60% of Democrat Bernie voters say their mind is made up to vote for him.
vs. 46% for Biden, 30% for Warren, 28% for Butti, and 25% for Bloomberg
Bernie beats Trump among Independent voters 48% to 43% head-to-head
Warren loses Independents to Trump 41% to 46% head-to-head
Butti and Amy both beat Trump with Independents 43% to 42%
Bloomberg and Biden both beat Trump with Independents 48% to 41%