In a strategy more reminiscent of labor organizing than anything typically seen in presidential politics, the Sanders campaign assigned several people — including field organizers Tristan Bock Hughes, Charisa Wotherspoon, Devon Severson, and the campaign’s National Labor Organizer Jonah Furman — to post up at the gates of the JBS meat processing plant. For several nights, they canvassed outside the factory from 10 PM to 3 AM, engaging workers in conversation as their shifts ended.
one thing i think is in our favor. i think just objectively speaking, if youre not a paid cnn or msnbc shill, bernie is just clearly the objective best choice right now to take on trump. you couldve MAYBE made a case for biden, i dont see a case for pete or warren or bloomberg, i think they get killed by trump. i think the public will prob just simply get the feeling like yeah bernie is our best shot. not saying they still wont somehow find a way to fukk him. but i think he is taking the mantle of frontrunner to the average voter now
Trump's rising approval ratings is a big cause for concern.Buttigieg would be a huge struggle. I think Warren would have been favored over Trump a month ago but her campaign has burned too many bridges and now it's 50-50 at best and probably worse. You can make a strong case for Biden based on polls and policies, my case against him is mostly his past campaign performances and baggage along with general flubbery. Don't even know how to evaluate Bloomberg but he has the biggest negatives and hard to imagine him getting any traction at all.
Bernie is the most electable candidate and it's not even close. Literally every argument against him is based on traditional narratives of "but he's too old!" or "but socialism!" and has absolutely zero to do with the actual candidate himself, his actual operation, or the situation on the ground right now.
The #1 way I see Bernie losing at this point is only if the entire Democratic operation sabotages itself, or massive voting interference from republicans and outsiders.
don't get too shook.Trump's rising approval ratings is a big cause for concern.
He's at 45% in the RCP Average which... for an incumbent President still isn't good. But its a tick higher than it was in October before impeachment.
The only good thing is, if Trump is campaigning like a normal GOP President and he has a lot of these GOP operatives and consultants running around him, he'd be easier to beat since he'll be pushed into Republican orthodoxy. Like cutting Social Security. Which he's now openly said he'd look at doing after the election.
don't get too shook.
He's still never been above 50% approval and the reason he's up to 49% is in-part because Republicans are circling the wagons.
Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%
Trump's approval rating has risen because of higher ratings among both Republicans and independents. His 94% approval rating among Republicans is up six percentage points from early January and is three points higher than his previous best among his fellow partisans. The 42% approval rating among independents is up five points, and ties three other polls as his best among that group. Democratic approval is 7%, down slightly from 10%.
Looked a little deeper.His approval in Gallup was 39%... 4 months ago breh
And Gallup hasn't been that kind to him
what do you think... what can he do to widen his base and get some of these moderates?