I've been beating this drum heavy. The last debate, they talked about environmental plans with almost everyone but skipped Bernie who only has the most ambitious plan out of anyone in the race. It's the same for the criminal justice reform bill and the housing plan. Those plans just need exposure and I think a lot of people will say "that sounds really good" but it would dispel the idea that Bernie doesn't have plans. This is beyond frustrating but you can see just delving into the stickied Primary thread that even well informed voters haven't seen much of what Bernie's offering and they certainly haven't seen it detailed.
I actually disagree with this one. I think Warren DID pop because of her proposals. But the difference between her and Bernie is that those proposals got coverage and were pumped up as "look at all this detail" while Bernie's proposals don't get the media coverage. Even when Bernie's plans did see light, it was always framed in the lowest common denominator (the Republican framing). Warren only saw those frames after she gained traction but it was too late. People had seen the plans and realized they were good ideas. That's why I like to bring up how Bernie 2016 is a big comparable to Warren 2020, the Bernie plans were attacked but now that they've been revisited in a fair light, they look fantastic to the same establishment heads that went full Chicken Little about that ish last time. It's definitely calculated how this stuff is covered imo and Warren is gonna run into more negative press now imo...it's just probably too late. Once people see the concepts in full without a bunch of BS attached, they realize the ideas are good.
This is best exuded by the wealth tax BS. Warren's wealth tax universally admired and polled excellently; Bernie's a bridge too far and covered as "he wants Billionaires dead" as opposed to what he really means which is "concentrations of power and wealth like a billionaire are systemic failures in this new Gilded Age of inequality."
I think in a sense we are saying the same like yeah her plans are good relative to anyone other than Bernie but they wouldn’t have gotten any coverage without the media intentionally propping warren up, so it’s not just the plans alone