I have a question that might not have an answer yet but i want to ask anyway
I have a college degree with no loans. Im looking into changing careers and maybe getting another bachelors degree in something different but i would need to take out loans.
Would bernies plan knock out my loans or allow me to have a free shot at another degree? Or is it just for non degree holders?
As far as I've seen; Bernie's plan is aiming to make state colleges tuition free. So it would allow you to have a free shot at another degree at any of the schools which qualify. Basically, anyone who applies and gets accepted would be jumping into a tuition free program if this popped off as proposed. For clarity's sake though, this wouldn't mean all colleges in America. Just the state schools that fit the requisites and comply with certain requirements. It wouldn't pay for every college option, but the free option might force other schools to reduce tuition charges to compete if a large enough collective of people choose free college over the bigger name schools. That's speculative though.