Official 'Atlanta' Season 3 Thread


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Caught up on the first two episodes

The parallel between what the white redneck was saying on Lake Lanier and the rest of the episode was amazing.

American whites built on top of the structures of white supremacy this entire cultural & psychological realm, where they projected all negative stereotypes onto the concept of Blackness, and reserved positive images for their own avatar of Whiteness.

So even while struggling themselves and dealing with deep financial and psychological issues, the lesbian couple still engage in maintaining and laughing at Black stereotypes. It's like a subconscious shield; they revel in the punching down all along the episode (starving kids in Africa, "you people", your foods are unhealthy, your education methods backward, you don't know what's good for you) as their own situation is unraveling.

And when they realize their disillusion and risk their perfect white image being exposed, they can't take it and break down. They'd rather die and kill everybody else than coming to terms with failing at whiteness.

That's exactly what the white redneck was talking about in the beginning. White folks fukk themselves over in the same process they indulge in to uphold white supremacy. No matter if they suffer from poverty and the lack of healthcare, or if white rural communities are down the toilet. No matter if reparations for ADOS would actually trickle down and benefit their entire country with an increased demand and human capital. No matter any of that as long as the white image is safe. They're cursing themselves too and can't hear.

That shyt was fire :wow: