I was looking for that Malcolm X quote about how whites who play nice are more dangerous than the ones who are openly racist.
That's what I gathered from Paperboi's phone being stolen and discarded.
Absolutely you hit the nail RIGHT on the head.
The theme of this season is that the white “allies” are often more dangerous than the white supremacists. Every single episode of this season has pointed that out.
Episode 1- the liberal white lesbians who take Loquareeous in are more dangerous than his actual mother
Episode 2- the white cult members asphyxiate Tupac to death. Alfred’s adoring white “fans” who were just screaming “FREE PAPERBOI” while he was in jail, gleefully show up to his concert in blackface. The white concert manager is enraged by Alfred not performing (i.e tap dancing) and tries to assault Earn
Episode 3- The introduction of Sox, who is overly liberal to the point he racially harasses an Asian woman in “defense”
Of Darius. A billionaire white man who passes himself off as friendly steals money from Alfred
Episode 4- The reparations episode. Marshall cannot understand a world in which black people “deserve” reparations until ANOTHER white man breaks it down for him.