Reviews so far
It takes ANT-MAN a moment to get cranked up, but once it does, it’s sensational. My favorite third-act of any Marvel movie.
Ant-Man is more methodical than most Marvel movies but it’s hilarious & a totally great ride. So many fun MCU links too. Another winner.
Ant-Man isn't just great entertainment, it's also a great movie. Marvel's most human film to date. Fantastic.
Ant-Man ties into the MCU without using any tangents. Almost all buildup, but that's a part of the fun with heist films. Great script.
Ant-Man is great! Lots of comedy & action. Definitely recommend it! #AntManEvent
ANT-MAN is fantastic fun with heart, wildly clever set-pieces, and a scene-stealing Michael Pena. It's a movie I want to be friends with.
"I will never go see Ant-Man! How dare they get rid of a filmmaker I like!"
(one year later)
"Ant-Man was sooooo good!"
Ant-man will return........ #antmanevent
Ant-Man is a different Marvel movie in scale (go figure!), but also a whole bunch of fun. Laughed a lot, and great performances all around
ANT-MAN is good. Not a disaster like some expected but also not a homerun. Has a *must see* after the end credits scene.
Bravo and well done @MrPeytonReed !! #AntManEvent I expected Ant-Man to be great and received phenomenal!!! #Marvel #AntMan
ANT-MAN is a TON of fun! It's Marvel's version of Ocean's 11. Great cast, slick score and two wonderful post-credits scenes #StayTillTheEnd
Negative :
ANT-MAN has some fun shrinking man stuff, but wow it's 90% exposition. Not one thing left implied. #FranchiseFred
Sadly ‘Ant-Man’ falls flat in almost every way. Doesn’t seem like it’s sure of what it wants to be. Not so much bad as it is blah.
If I'm not mistaken, #AntMan contains the first reference to #SpiderMan in the MCU