HBO Go update supports Android tablets up to ICS -- Engadget
ah the joys of android
When HBO Go launched for the Kindle Fire a few weeks ago it seemed odd that the app still didn't officially support other Android tablets, but now that has changed. v1.5 is now available on Google Play, and the release notes indicate it supports Android tablets running software up to 4.04 Ice Cream Sandwich. That would appear to lock out the Nexus 7 for now but since it hasn't been widely released yet, we'll let it pass (although it is worth noting that Netflix was updated with Jelly Bean support last week.) Another recent change across the tablet apps is that Time Warner Cable is a supported provider. The usual caveats still apply (you'll need HBO and of course, pay-TV to sign in) but the updated app is available now at the source link.
ah the joys of android