got a few questions
1) I switched to note 20 ultra and used smartswitch but all my pictures are showing as new/today/etc in the gallery now. Basically nothing in order. Can i fix this?
2) all my logins/passwords that are saved to google didnt come over. and now google save password thing isnt even showing, only samsung pass. Kind of annoying cause i use burner accounts on all the points apps (restaurants and shyt). I'd have to reset most of these PWs because i usually just used google's generator. Not the end of the world but annoying for sure. How can i import all my logins/pws?
3) Seems that app data/settings didnt transfer either. I dont have time to tweak settings for every app; any way to move that over?
if you still have your photos on your old phone, you can copy the photos folder to your pc/laptop and ttransfer to your note 20. you can also try using Syncthing
smartswitch seems to have a history of not preserving the original file creation/modified dates.
be sure to read the instructions carefully so you don't overwrite anything important.