Well because if it wasn't for the phone I'd be paying $45 a month instead of $70....I don't understand the confusion here lol. Paying less > paying more. Superior customer service isn't worth paying $300 more a year for the same planWhy is it hard to get a new device with t mob? I'm jumped in...lol. My best friend is running a good game on T mob..they pay off other carriers outstanding fees to switch..well he gets a unlocked device that he wants from Verizon and pays them like two months..then cancels them out while switching to T mob and they send him a digital card to pay off that phone...getting IPhone 7 plus and S8 Plus for a little bit of nothing.
I'm on Jump...but that's a good thing for resell manipulation.
And if I had jump I'd be paying like $12 more a month... So then I'd be saving over $400 a year by leaving tmobile