Ok, so I just picked up my S3 yesterday. Upgraded from Evo4g, best phone I ever had, but it seems this will replace it shortly.
A couple questions.
First, I've noticed how beastly this battery was. I evo was :hovscust: status, but I dont even need to charge this phone during the day. How beneficial is it to root the phone then?
Also, I always just used the fresh evo roms before, haven't rooted in about 9 months. If I do root, whats the best roms to currently use.
I also have always preferred Launcher Pro for the scrolling app dock. Is that still the best option or is there something better.
And whats the best browser currently out? I always fukked with Dolphin. I see Chrome is out, is that better. Chrome seems like getting to bookmarks is a pain in the ass.