Fast Money & Foreign Objects
Its funny people make a big deal about this.
1. Has a house in Burlington, VT where he's from... duh. And if you looked at his house, its a nice single family home not a mansion. He bought it for $400,000 in 2009.
2. He has a house in Washington, DC. Well, of course. He's been working in DC since 1991. A rowhouse near the US Capitol and he bought it before real estate really shot off.
3. Their summer house they bought with cash in 2016 was due to Jane selling her share of her family’s long-time vacation home in Bridgton, Maine, to her brother for $150,000, added some money from her retirement account and from an advance Bernie got on a book he wrote to come up with the money to buy house with no mortgage.
I realize this is the coli but he has a few million dollars worth of real estate and is a prime example of wealth and resource hoarding by his generation and the one after.