Worthless Loser
Aren't these crowds suppose to be undecided voters or neutral voters? This seems like a Sanders crowd.
Of course, but his seat is safe. And if Dems win the majority or split, he's going to have an incredible amount of power and sway.Joe Manchin gonna provide some fukkery though
Black folks disgust me getting behind a bunch of white men who hasn't laid out any reason to support any one of them . We like a cheap hooker just lay a few 5s on the ground and we will come crawling
Black folks disgust me getting behind a bunch of white men who hasn't laid out any reason to support any one of them . We like a cheap hooker just lay a few 5s on the ground and we will come crawling
Aren't these crowds suppose to be undecided voters or neutral voters? This seems like a Sanders crowd.
His policies appeal to everyoneAren't these crowds suppose to be undecided voters or neutral voters? This seems like a Sanders crowd.
Channeling my inner @DEAD7Bruh. I don't know if you know this...but Black ppl are humans.
They'd like a guaranteed education, childcare, healthcare and a livable planet.
Channeling my inner @DEAD7
Don't poor black people already have access to public schools and government Healthcare?
This is deflection, but a great example of how the statist solution harms black people.Technically they have access to DMVs. As along as they can drive 30 miles to get to one.
This is deflection, but a great example of how the statist solution harms black people.
There's no way to keep racists from implementing policy and restricting access.
Never go full @DEAD7Font isn't blue enough.
You're in the wrong thread.
Bruh. I don't know if you know this...but Black ppl are humans.
They'd like a guaranteed education, childcare, healthcare and a livable planet.