God Emperor of SOHH
He has a storied history talking about how all Mexicans are racists, black people shouldn't deal with them, shouldn't be supportive of policies that help them, so on and so forth to the point that his entire political conversation is very build the wall and Mexicans ain't shyt.
Then he let it slip that he's likely bilingual, has a Mexican girlfriend who lives in Mexico (non border town) and in his free time he searches on tinder for Mexican women in a Tijuana or some other border town.
The whole thing was very,
This lead to a thread where he was shtting on Mexican ls turn into a TWISM exposal thread that went Plat.
He's been mad ever since.![]()
Like I said you are a disengenous person, you are making shyt up about what I said
You are a black c00n, so when I make a comment about illegal immigration being bad for black people or the racism in Latin America your brain explodes because it contradicts the white liberal narrative of Mexicans being poor brown people that pick lettuce
Brownpride downplayed it but never denied Mexican racism, in fact I hardly see any Latinos in the coli denying the racism in Latin culture, although they downplay it
why are you so mad? Your c00ning is out of control, what is it that causes you to become so obsessed to the point that you we’re doing google searches on the God
The racism against black peoples of Latin America is thoroughly documented, anybody that disputes it is either ignorant or stupid
I don’t got beef with anybody of any race on a personal level, but I don’t go around denying political realities
I never said I was bilingual, all i said was that I was messing with a Mexican chick I met on tinder, which I don’t see what the big deal is, I’ve had sex with many Mexican chicks
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