Cant stand the Black Keys... Liking this new single by Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks
Brothers straight up ruined these guys. Never will be the same again. shyt sounds like it was churned out of a record label Play Doh factory
really liked most of their last album for the most part..was a fun listen, but yeah..i'm not fukkin with this new joint.
but it sounds just like a track from El Camino
by the way I did like Brothers
This Future Islands front man is so dope. This Letterman performance is gaining him notoriety, and turns out he is a good rapper too
Brothers was a monster, one of the best of the year and I believe their best album. And they blew up off it. And yet, they still think they have to devolve onto this hit factory band? El Camino wasnt a bad album but it was a pandering album. Now that they have the ears why not return to your roots and show people who they really are instead of turning into the Alt Rock version of the Black Eyed Peas?
And yes, Danger Mouse sucks now. Hard.
I did say in this thread I enjoyed After The Disco, and I still do .