His political instincts are great for himself. It's just that the country sucks, and he wants to conform to an image of himself and that shytty country. In your example, is the body the Democratic party or America?
Criticizing Obama the way they're doing it is like philosophers doing metaphysics: intellectual masturbation. I get it - Obama was president of a war hungry, a$$hole, capitalist, ruthless, libertarian, conservative, racist, Christian country. But people often assign him too much power and responsibility when the real culprits are congress, state legislators, and governors (or should I say the real culprits are the American people at large for electing them?). They can constitutionally change the country and give the president/the executive branch the middle finger. Are people just too shallow and can only consider one person as the cause of all bad things in this country? No wonder so many people love monotheistic religions. Simplifies all matters into one I guess.