"NYK will surprise the NBA"...I believe 'em too. 19-20 NYK Offseason Thread

Mr. Jack Napier

May 1, 2012
The Empire State
You're making the biggest mistake on some Monday morning quarterback shyt, breh. I'm not even trying to disrespect you.

Yes, you don't waste your 8th pick on a "defender". But...breh...
:gucci:It's 2019, the Knicks aren't drafting Frank Ntlikina. Frank Ntilikina is a member of the Knicks roster. You're looking at this player from a petty and inaccurate lens.

Are you really the type to have a roll of 100s in your pocket and seeing a dollar makes you cringe so you throw it on the floor? Sounds like it. You are Knicks coach, do you or don't you try to put the man - Frank Ntilikina - in a role that he could be optimized?

You say he isn't that great of a defender yet...

What if some fukk boy said, "DSJ isn't that great of an offensive player yet." This would be your response.

Frank isn't a star. He'll never be a star. He'll never be a no. 2 option. He'll never be picked 8th in an imaginary fantasy draft. Cool.

But, when you look at it objectively, he is a player on the Knicks, if you're a fan, do you root for him? Yes. Do you stay honest about his faults? Yes. But do you speak about the nikka with the vitriol that makes it seem like you come from the fukkboy School of Melo Hating aka FSMH academy? Nah, you don't...if you are a fan.

All we want is for Frank to get a fair shake in a place and role that he can excel. Same as us wanting DSJ to be in a place that he excels.

Spooky. :hubie:

Frank a bum, it is what it is :manny:

Knicks wasted a pick on him. Their are 5-6 cats that were picked after him that are better right now


May 9, 2012
Fair enough, but he ain’t gotta play them guys unless they telling him to. And roles can still be defined but he doesn’t do it.
those guys didnt sign with a 17 win team on short term deals to ride da bench. they came to showcast their games. im sure when they were being recruited,, they were told they have defined roles, if not they wouldnt of came.


May 23, 2012
You and @storyteller are very knowledgeable on this franchise. What do you think would help us improve this organization? Should we just keep the roster we have with the vets and stick with a consistent plan, no trades or go back to the drawing board?

Wasn't everyone on board with having Fizdale as a coach a year ago if not for Bud? Did y'all give up hope? I mean last year, we really had nothing to work with. This year is the ultimate test.

Fizdale was in my top five but two of my other picks were mainly about KP. I liked Bud and Stackhouse more than anyone. Then David Blatt and Igor Kokoskov (fired by the Suns after one year tbh) because of their experience coaching in the Euro league and ability to level with KP...no need any more. I liked Fiz too but I had skepticism.

In terms of what I'd like to see going forward to improve the organization...

- For the time being, I would consider shopping Trier and/or Dot if RJ/Ellington is the rotation. That logjam is only gonna get worse when Bullock gets healthy (but Bullock also might be the most balanced option in that roll). Trier might already be salty (deservedly so tbh). We gotta stop devaluing our assets before we try to deal them. I bet Trier or Dotson would at least garner some interest...I wonder if D'antoni wouldn't love one of 'em now that Green is out (quick disclaimer: I hate to ship either out but if we're going to just sit them down and let them walk at the end of the season then we should be more strategic).

- I don't mind keeping the trio of PG's because there's not much gap between them and injury concerns for the two young promising guys. I also think Fizdale not installing the system (hopefully that's not yet rather than never) and forcing a lot of Randle Point Forward has contributed to all three looking worse than they are.

- On the court, from here we gotta just watch for chemistry to develop and the system to expand at least through December. Once that rotation is set, chemistry should build a lot more quickly and guys can start to settle into their roles. This is why it has to a consistent 10 man rotation for a while. I don't want to hear about guys complaining and Fiz can't let it shake his rotation up the way Enes Kanter did last season. Will it portray the franchise as still being dysfunctional? Yup. But you can silence that negativity if the guys on the floor are growing and showing potential like I'm feeling more and more confident RJ Barrett and Knox will (if not others as well).

- Realistically, we also just gotta be prepared to stay in asset acquisition mode rather than trying to force a win-now scheme. If the kids aren't ready, the vets aren't gonna be good enough to do it without 'em. But the vets are on team options and can contribute as low-risk role players for competitive teams. The China thing actually plays into our assets' favors too. Teams are prepping for the salary cap to dip because of it and that means the luxury tax is a problem for cheaper owners who have to pay guys (might as well call this the Buddy Hield dream scenario though, it's speculative and hopeful AF).

- More important than anything is that Fizdale has enough talent now to build an identity and an offense. He needs to do that so when we hit next offseason, we can acquire players that fit his system instead of everyone trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle. Perry and Mills just acquired talent the best they could and created logjams. The pieces don't make all that much sense together so Fiz has his work cut out for him. But the talent is there, create the roles, give these guys a series of reliable plays to slip in there and next offseason we'll have more clarity going forward (also we'll know more about the young guys, especially our PG situation).

- Other than that, I'm just scouting the lottery. I think we're still a year away but that's not a bad thing if the youngsters a showing growth and improvement. It'd mean another lottery pick and maybe we play it smart and turn some of these vets into additional assets by the deadline. I wouldn't mind that if we have a system, kids are really as promising as I think (Barrett and Knox especially) and we have more clarity about what roles are already filled and what roles need to be filled when we start making decisions about contracts...the new lottery odds mean we can have meaningful improvement, miss the playoffs and still luck into a top 3 pick.