Neither one of these shows is ever cracking a million again unless one takes a week off & the other throws out all titles being defended & shyt
NXT ran chopped up versions of old TakeOver matches where they didn't even show the full matches & handed out awards/revealed teams for the Dusty tag tourny, they might has well have did what AEW did last week & just been off & still managed to get half a million.
AEW ran a stacked show with all their top guys advertised against that & still couldn't crack a million.
I don’t know how you figured that wrestling was bigger in the 80’s if they made more money in the 90’s if avengers endgame made more money than titanic then movies in the 2010’s were bigger than movies in the 90’s it’s that simple. In fact the top 5 movies mostly came out in the last ten years But whatever. You are right as usual lol. And smh at dapping your trolls. Like I care enough to know who your trolls are. I just agree with whatever was said. I saw more than enough impact to judge. But
Enjoy your impact. I’m done.
I’m confused how is AEW not catering to me? If they wasn’t I wouldn’t be watching it? I don’t get your point. Wcw was cool for a minute I just always thought of it as a number 2. Outside of sting and flair they didn’t have the stars that I cared to see.
as far as impact goes, Their top stars when I watched was AJ styles and Samoa joe, neither of them had the belt as much as they should have. Jarrett has more title reigns than both of them combined. And that’s just stupid, and that was their best chance at creating their own stars and not relying on wwe talent. Decisions like that is why they lost so many tv deals and ultimately became a joke to me. They may have improved , they may do some things better but as a wrestling fan I can get my fix from other places now. They had their chance and blew it and most wrestling fans like me have moved on.
Every company that has featured “real serious technical wrestlers as their top guys has ultimately failed to wwe. Because fake fighting isn’t popular. I’m business if it don’t make dollars it don’t make sense. And yes sometimes money gets in the way of creativity but at the end of the day it’s not worth it to spend but so much money catering to a niche audience. Wwe has nxt for that now, and now that they are live they need to draw more money and that means they will need to have more storylines. It’s really that simple. Despite how bad creative can be and despite how out of touch Vince is, if you can’t make it in wwe then you are not as good as you think you are. And until a company becomes just as big as them , you can’t go anywhere else and be more successful. AEW Shouldn’t be ok with 800k a week for too much longer, by next year they need to have grown to be over a million. Or else why would I want you on my channel.
if I’m Tony Khan I’m trying to be more like wwe and less like ROH. Wwe makes money impact and ROH don’t. As great as new Japan is in ring they will never have a chance on tv in America because the majority of fans here like storylines and characters. Wcw had a few in flair and sting, and dusty but ultimately they weren’t enough and after flair got old and dusty became booker, wcw survived the 90’s because of the nwo, which was wwf guys bringing wwf style fukkery
So for AEW You can be like wwe as far as creating interesting characters and drama with out being a mini wwe. That’s why I said if they keep doing everything they are doing and catch a big angle that creates a home grown star then they Will be a legit competitor. Jericho and Cody are killing it right now, if they can get one of their home grown guys over like that and get them to carry a feud then they will Be a real force.
If fukkery and drama wasn’t the biggest money then why has wwe dominated so long? Those of us that still watch it only watch it for fukkery, when I need my flippy shyt fix I go to NJPW and now AEW and NXT. Like I said impact and ROH should merge their shows look low budget and just very “Indy” it’s not appealing to me.
Seriously whatever. You have some weird grudge against wwe. It cool. But my point still stands wwe has been the most successful because they have created the biggest stars. Hogan was a big deal but let’s be honest hulk a mania was a wwf thing. He wouldn’t have been what he was had he stayed in awa and NJPW. Vince made him arguably the goat.this is silly.
by your logic, the WWE in 2020 is bigger than it ever was.
you see how that works.
dog, I clearly spotted you dapping dudes trolling me. now youre trying to hide your hands. you look like a clown right now.
you prove my point everytime you ramble off.
"WCW was cool for a minute". "they didn't have the stars that I cared to see".
yea, nevermind the fact that WCW had the most stacked roster ever.
I understand that you have a preference but you also have a very blahzay blahzay attitude towards anything that doesn't have a WWE logo attached to it, and that's perfectly fine as long as you can admit it, and stop trying to drive in the wrong lane.
who are all these WWE stars that TNA relied on?? I can name maybe 5, out of their nearly 20 year history.
and please don't tell me that youre counting ECW, WCW, etc guys as WWE stars.
I already see you don't realize that the WWE built its empire off of relying on stars from other companies, and theyre still doing it.
AJ & joe didn't have the belt when YOU watched.
you do realized that the WWE themselves is focused on mostly serious wrestlers right? they just sprinkle them with corny.
what WWF guys?? you do realize that hogan was an AWA star right?
WWF style f*ckery?? there was nothing like the NWO in the WWF.
what homegrown AEW guys do you speak of?? most of their roster is established stars. they signed alot of the hottest wrestlers in the game the past few years. just as hot or hotter than anybody in the WWE. vince & triple h were bending over backwards trying to sign some of them. so im not sure what youre talking about.
Smh hogan ain't the GOAT, gtfoSeriously whatever. You have some weird grudge against wwe. It cool. But my point still stands wwe has been the most successful because they have created the biggest stars. Hogan was a big deal but let’s be honest hulk a mania was a wwf thing. He wouldn’t have been what he was had he stayed in awa and NJPW. Vince made him arguably the goat.
Also why do you act like watching wrestling is my job? It’s entertainment, a distraction. Like I’m not going to watch a show that isn’t entertaining to me. When impact does something interesting to me I will check it out. But until then, I’m good
As bad as wwe is it’s still more entertaining than tna too me. When tna was entertaining I watched it, it fell off and other shows became more interesting that’s it, it’s simple.
You say I’m blahzay towards non wwe but I watch aew every week and I’m going to watch WK. I just don’t care for tna and NWA powerr it’s nothing personal. Neither of them shows are as good as nxt, aew or raw and sd.![]()
I said arguably. Y’all only don’t like him cause he racism came out. He ain’t the only possible goat that says racist shyt. So from a career standpoint he brought wrestling into the mainstream. And his second act in wcw had them dominate wwe for a few years. His impact puts him up there. He wasn’t my favorite but facts are factsSmh hogan ain't the GOAT, gtfo
dudes still in here going back and forth about these low ass numbers for both shows?
shyt is like arguing over who's in charge of the kiddie table at the family BBQ![]()
I said arguably. Y’all only don’t like him cause he racism came out. He ain’t the only possible goat that says racist shyt. So from a career standpoint he brought wrestling into the mainstream. And his second act in wcw had them dominate wwe for a few years. His impact puts him up there. He wasn’t my favorite but facts are facts
So now we discrediting hogan cause he said the n word? Ok.the nba existed before Jordan but the finals was on tape delay and was no where near as popular as it has been since he showed up.Wrestling appeared on network television before and after Hogan. Wrestling existed before and after Hogan. Hogan just happened to come around when cable tv was born.
So now we discrediting hogan cause he said the n word? Ok.the nba existed before Jordan but the finals was on tape delay and was no where near as popular as it has been since he showed up.
I’m done here
Damn I tried to walk away but you are so wrong, its ridiculous.Yep the NBA Finals last being on tape delay in 1979 and Jordan making his first finals in 1991 makes that ALL MJ, huh. You literally transferred your terrible argument to a diff sport lol. Thankfully you are done here.
7. Tape-delay. It seems inconceivable in 2019 that an NBA playoff game, never mind a Finals contest, might be shown on anything but live TV. Nope. The league didn’t have much leverage in the late 1970s, before Magic Johnson and Larry Bird arrived to help goose interest and ratings. Networks forced fans to stay up late to watch games that were off before the telecasts tipped off. The practice continued into the ‘80s, with four of six Finals games in 1981 held till 11:30 p.m. ET. Michael Jordan was already creating new fans when the last tape-delayed game, Game 3 of the West finals between the Lakers and Rockets, aired on Friday, May 16, 1986.
5 Highest And 5 Lowest Drawing WWE Champions Of All TimeHulk Hogan can be credited for taking professional wrestling to worldwide audiences - plenty of countries which previously had no interest in the industry prior to the rise of Hulkamania. For over a decade, Hogan was the biggest draw in the industry and constantly shattered one record after another.
Make No Mistake About It: Hulk Hogan Had The Biggest Impact On Wrestling
Make No Mistake About It: Hulk Hogan Had The Biggest Impact On WrestlingWhen you look at our great historic past in pro wrestling. There are many defining moments and athletes who had a great impact on it. In the early goings you had guys like Frank Gotch and Ed “The Strangler” Lewis.
In the 40 and 50s, wrestling would be taken whole new levels with grapplers like Lou Thesz, Buddy Rodgers, and Gorgeous George. While all of these wrestlers have played a great part in wrestling’s great past.
There has been no wrestler that has had an impact on the sport than Hulk Hogan. If Lou Thesz is the godfather of wrestling, than Hulk Hogan is the savior of wrestling. Whether you like the man or not you cannot deny this.
I'm trying to keep track of excuses so let me see if I got this right.
NXT did 800,000 on a holiday with no AEW
Next week AEW did 960,000 on a holiday and NXT clip show did 500,000
Why isn't the "holiday" excuse being used for both promotions in here?
One way AEW has tried to separate itself from other promotions, according to Rhodes, is by fighting back against the age-old philosophy "less is more.""There's a romantic way to look at the ratings and say 'Here we are, it's the late 1990s again. Every Thursday let's check 'em,'" Rhodes said. "It's fun to look at the ratings but I know internally we're not having any pep rally speeches. Our concern is not NXT and I believe NXT's concern is not us. If anyone is going to succeed, we cannot be a reactionary brand. One really good, positive takeaway that the ratings war doesn't show is that there is a lot less crossover between the fan bases, there's a lot less of the turning the channel between one and the other. That means there's a lot of people just watching wrestling on Wednesday nights. Making wrestling destination programming again is cool."
Cody Rhodes Says NXT Isn't AEW's Concern"I think a lot of us have pushed back on 'less is more' with what we actually do in the ring, but that approach to TV is very true," Rhodes said. "It creates the feeling that everything we are putting out for you in narrative is really important. Our titles, the fact that we only have the men's, women's and tag team championships at this point, we make them the most important thing from the company standard. When you approach it from that, you're able to put things on a pedestal more and make things mean more from a narrative standpoint."