I'm not young and I'm not your protégé.
But not impactNxt cleary put on the better show...better than Sd and raw and aew
The hell are you talking about? The invasion was to kickoff the Survivor Series angle, and after Survivor Series is done so is the invasion.WWE flabby and sick. 8 weeks in and they already pulling out The Invasion storyline.
You can't run any old device and think that factors in the ratings because it doesn't factor at all. You need a Nielsen box and from the people that have Nielsen boxes the final rating numbers are taken from that and extrapolated to the rest of the nation
So wwe shouldn’t continue their survivors series storyline because it’s not fair ?
if AEW was ballsy wouldn’t they go to Monday or Friday and not Wednesday to try and get wins over the third brand
In two weeks, the Survivor Series stimulus package for NXT will be over. At the point, you can accurately gauge what to expect every week from each show. They’ll both have their core audience +\- 100K or so. Within 6 months, hopefully AEW will fix and fine tune their issues I.e. rules consistency, the women’s division, character development, cutting to commercial at the wrong time, etc. Unless AEW gets a major star or hot angle that gains them mainstream attention, 1M will probably be their peak. NXT has the more upward mobility due to potentially retaining a portion of the audience from Raw and Smackdown. I wouldn't be surprised if the gap become closer on a more consistent basis. As long as USA and TNT are happy then we all win. It’s fun flipping between the two programs on Wednesday. It’s very rare that the two programs run their worse segments against each other. I usually pause one and swap to the other when one show starts to drag.
Nah, NXT at this point will have main roster stars every week now.
They have proven they can't compete with their own talent so there's no chance they won't shoehorn main roster stars every week. It's a wrap for NXT as a brand. It's now just an extension of Raw and Smackdown.
Nah, NXT at this point will have main roster stars every week now.
They have proven they can't compete with their own talent so there's no chance they won't shoehorn main roster stars every week. It's a wrap for NXT as a brand. It's now just an extension of Raw and Smackdown.