Damn AMD stock is at $2.60
sounds like a buy right before E3....
Damn AMD stock is at $2.60
I am thinking about it.sounds like a buy right before E3....
I am thinking about it.
As am I. They're coming off a 60% drop over the last year. Plus with AMD getting contracts for both the 720 and PS4.... 2013 could be a good year for them.
ATI worked wonders on that gamecube GPU. small, powerful, and affordable.
nvidia aint all that
they also made the gpu for the wii, wii u, and xbox 360
for that matter, I think the OG Xbox and PS3 have been the only consoles to use an nvidia chip
all in all it seems like a moot point. unless someone wants to point out which one of this generation's consoles had the most hardware failures
like what exactly? Things like Project SHIELD?