Nuclear Physicist breh gets zero play from brehette. Future disciple of the #Set(PAWG/PAAG/PALG)?


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
I don't care either way, I'm just talking shyt. I'm all for these women fukking with whoever they want, it's their life.:manny:

Most nikkas don't really care either. They cry about how it's bringing the community down, but we've been down, it's over, we lost and are lost as a people, there is no community to save. They whine about who these broads choose because they want to be the ones to fukk and forget them, not because they're good dudes who would treat them right. If they were looking for a woman to treat well and really build with they wouldn't have anything to say about the chicks who pick knuckleheads just like they don't have shyt to say about ugly/fat chicks, because they wouldn't be on their radar.
There’s 6 black women for everyone black man, and black women and even most women choose knuckleheads. I use to be a knuckle head. The real issue is unlike men, women can’t expect to find a man at 30 but a man at 30 could still find a women, even a young one.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
A lot of these nerdy black women don't even want nerdy black men. Like you mentioned, Meg is a nerd and she ain't checking for Carlton Banks. She wants a negro that carries the heat on him
There is no such thing as a “nerd” woman. Maybe square at best, and they easier to give it up. Black women have a Jezebel spirit that has created a cycle of Dog brained men, and at this point won’t end. As I always say, what do men really have to look foward to as far as these women? I do defend black women tho, cuz I dnt believe in dissing them toward other communities, but they need to be checked hard, within our community.

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Lowkey this video/thread put a lot of Coli hot takes into perspective.

For the brehs that's #MouthPieceGang they saw a square ass Russell Wilson type nikka fail to impress a chick in a small window of time because he couldn't express how dope his life and journey is. Dude got all that shyt going on and couldn't put any flavor into the story. Could have said what martial arts he was a fan of our studying. nikka was vague about the interesting shyt. Chicks like buzz words nikka.

For the brehs that's #HandsomeGang they saw a Russell Wilson looking ass nikka who's looks failed to impress shorty when his accolades couldn't. So all that shyt about you don't need a mouthpiece or swag etc... if you handsome, took a hit. Dude ain't have the personality to close the deal even though he had everything else.

For the brehettes that's #BlackGirlNerdGang they saw the nikka of their dreams waste his time with a chick that was clearly for the streets when he could have been talking to them. The thing is fine ass black girl nerds or whatever you wanna call it, don't have some look that distinguishes them from ig thots or anyone else. nikkas will holla at what looks good. All that video games, sword collection an anime shyt is cool after the fact. nikkas can't read ya'll mind.
Realest post in this thread :wow:
And i'm telling you that's false. Use your common sense.

What areas in the U.S. are more flush with attractive women? Poor, impoverished areas or wealthier areas? You already know the answer.
I dunno bout everywhere but in NYC the baddest chicks live in the hood. Most of them anyway.

Damn she bad as fukk :whew:


Live as if BLM
Nov 15, 2017
nikka, no. When it comes to females, you gotta rock with good conversation. You can't be all nerdy give no good vibes
As a bonefide nerd, I know that water seeks its own level. The appropriate females recognize and respond to what you call nerd conversation.
Ask your boss' wife.


Live as if BLM
Nov 15, 2017
You do realize that you can be academic and still be able to socialize with the opposite sex?

We are the only race of people that is not allowed to be socially non linear.
I think that we are on the same page!
I concur that one does not have to spit street lingo to have conversation game or just to be interesting. Also, you must consider the pool of conversationalist - their race, education, age, culture, location, timing, etc.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.

Why shawty explaining herself. She wasnt feeling breh and that ok. She young and she was not in the stage of life where se cared what a breh does for a living and more so how a breh can make her feel. If 10 years from now breh turn her down on the other hand because she not where he wants a woman to be that's pk too. I was she be honest with breh than fake it and cause a lot more hurt down the line

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
This seems to be why the thread blew up, so let me focus on this aspect

Ignore genetic lottery winners and extreme outliers (lottery draft picks and white ivy league prodigy with parental backing types

Im fairly successful in terms of going to college, picking an occupation, and then earning a living
..but my relative devotion/drive to my career has been an impediment in my relationships with women

If i was 1/2 to 2/3 as successful, I'd be about twice as desirable to women
The instant attraction has never been a problem, but i struggle to sustain commitment to relationship
Im absent, im distracted, and now in my later years i am mentally tired

If you want to interpret things in the most unflattering way, women in a relationship with me don't get old timer - they get leftover old timer (at least at times)

Previously i have posted about my first wife (rip)- she had to suffer through me working full time, grad school at night, and busy with multiple side commitments -
I might have been physically present, but i was absent emotionally
And in my current marriage, in the first twelve months of pandemic - i had never worked so hard meanwhile wife might as well been under house arrest twiddling her thumbs
I could type 50k words about the challenges we faced

I have also posted about how attractive and socially polished women achieve good career success on their own
So none of these women were/are dependent on me financially
They see my career devotion/commitment as an unnecessary and maybe even unwelcome distraction

I'm an intense type A personality .. Even though i hide it or channel much of it

So don't expect attractive women to swoon if you have a successful career - some of the traits that make one accomplished also predict red flags in other areas

Again, the two things that saved me - some natural charisma, and i always had relationships even pre-marriage where i worked on understanding my limitations and fixing correctable deficiencies

So when i hear guys with zero natural chemistry say they totally ignore relationships to focus on early career
..relying on women chasing them once they are "successful" --
They are doomed to fail
Women want a well rounded nikka. It's just that, most don't qualify for one. Some nikkas say Tupac in a business suit. But they want a desirable man

Spades Of Aces

The Infinity Watcher
Feb 3, 2013
A lot of women are looking for this kind of guy right here:

The best of both worlds for a woman whom has some book smarts and a sense of danger and street smarts to him.


Jul 30, 2012
There are many posts here that speak from a feminine perspective. For a moment I thought I was on LSA. And some of these same folks are obtuse and don't understand why this video went viral. Not realizing that this video typifies the dysfunctional gender relations in the black community.

Are some of you even men? Black men at that?


May 3, 2012
There are many posts here that speak from a feminine perspective. For a moment I thought I was on LSA. And some of these same folks are obtuse and don't understand why this video went viral. Not realizing that this video typifies the dysfunctional gender relations in the black community.

Are some of you even men? Black men at that?
Man that's all they do is speak from a woman's POV.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
I keep hearing about how he needs to relegate himself to a 'niche'. Why does he need to relegate himself to a certain 'type'? Athletes, musicians and entertainers in general have the whole black spectrum to choose from. Athletes don't have to stick with just athletes. Rappers don't have to stick with female rappers. Entertainers and sportsmen get the pick of the whole black litter, whether it be black teachers, nurses, musicians, etc. In other races, with his credentials, he will have much more success dating. This girl is in the army, and she's 'nexting' black men right and left, but one of the few guys that she gives consideration to is that same rapper dude that is in the other video

She's not obligated to like what he's presenting, but the reality is intellectualism simply isn't valued in much of the community when it comes to dating. If this was an isolated case, it could easily be written off, but she's one of many. We have lots of guys that would have been a positive contribution that are now either in the pen or sleeping eternally because he's trying to play in the streets because that's what's getting them attention from females. Even 2pac is on video talking about he got rejected by a woman because he was 'too nice', and I'm sure that contributed to him diving into 'thug life', which eventually got him killed.

You won't find any song like, 'I want a Carlton Banks', but you will find songs about ruffnecks and 'soldiers'. The fact that there is even the concept of a 'Carlton Banks' is problematic enough. The intellectual, nerdy guy is the source of comedy whereas in other cultures, he will be held as the archetype to aspire to. In Fresh Prince, Will was the 'cool guy', but in real life Will Smith, a guy that largely avoided trouble and was succeeding like crazy was considered a soft cornball.

Saying he was a truck driver would have likely been more attractive than saying nuclear physicist. If he would have come out with a bunch of convict talk and talk about how he bust his guns, he would have this girl wrapped around his finger. Just look at how long she entertained an older dude with a tattooed on beard versus him.

It's creating a huge brain drain in the community where black men with high paying jobs that should be the base of the black economical base are either leaving or are throwing their lives away by trying to portray some street image trying to impress females of their own race who aren't interested in them otherwise. You simply cannot have a strong economical base when the majority of the wealth is deriving from sporadic professions like entertainment, sports or music. The income stream simply isn't stable enough. The problem with the brain drain is that you have this smart, powerful guy who has a stake in the black race because his woman and kids are black, who will take a much stronger role in mentoring and helping out other black kids in the community as opposed to him going to another race, and once he passes, the wife is going to take that money and push it to her own race. Look at what happened with Reginald Lewis, one of the first black billionaires, that married a woman from the Phillipines. She took that money and hooked her own culture up. Meanwhile, economically, we are starting over from scratch with no connections, mentoring or real help generation after generation. Black men that wield tremendous economic and political power end up getting siphoned away and thus they have no real incentive anymore to push their resources to helping black folks out because their offspring may not identify as black and they usually end up marrying out because they don't see hardly any of their own kind around them.

Indians are from a completely different country and yet they are coming here and becoming extremely wealthy. They get in positions at these different companies, especially tech companies, and once one is on, they are putting a lot of their countrymen and women on. They are now dominating tech. Their kids are filling the best schools and they are all over professions now like tech and medicine. They are not letting their daughters bring home or deal with some guy from jail. They push them to date guys with good jobs. With African families that emigrate here, they aren't letting their daughters go after some convict or rapper. If they choose to deal with one, they will have to sneak around and do it.

With that said, I've made my peace that things aren't changing in the community any time soon and the brain drain will continue. There are black intellectuals who have managed to supplement their 'game' with athleticism and swag and end up with a nice black woman, but women of other races are simply plucking away a lot of the type of men that should be the pillar of the community and the struggle of the race will continue.

That dude is confident and assertive. That's what black women like. If you can base your character around this two things then just go date frumpy white women.