Dum Shiny
I don't know, I'm trying to figure out how this thread doesn't have more views and posts. But they're tapping every subscriber anyhow.
Complacency. It's like someone said earlier in the thread: A lot of people just operate under the assumption that they are being monitored anyway. Add to that the fact that a lot of people have this belief that not a whole lot is going to be done with it (just the same as some of the responses in the thread on the Supreme Court's DNA sample case), and it's a perfect foundation for willful myopia. At least, that's my opinion on it.
I'm not even sure what to say at this point. The order, Obama's continuation of a Bush-era policy, the "working against terrorism" justification, it's like a terrible running joke at this point (this also might be a reason why people don't respond to threads like this: when you get slight variations on the same types of stories every day, with activism seemingly changing nothing, why not mentally quit?).
But you say you're going to be seeing Harold Koh in the future? You going to Yale on business or something? :tellmemore: